I signed a petition against the proposed renovation of New York's Main Public Library on 5th Avenue in Manhattan.
The bourough president responded with an email.
Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the New York Public Library’s planned renovation of the 42nd Street Library and the potential sale of the Mid-Manhattan branch.
I firmly believe that every alternative must be considered prior to any reduction of services or the sale of library assets. It is important that all members of our community who rely on the Libraries be heard during this process and that the issues and concerns of my constituents are addressed.
I recently met with the President and CEO of the New York Public Library, Dr. Anthony Marx, regarding the potential plans for these branches and called upon his office to provide an extensive community dialogue and public discussion to address the future of one of New York’s great institutions. Please find attached a copy of a letter providing a detailed summary of the Library’s plans, as well as my ongoing concerns. I am confident that the NYPL is seriously considering all alternatives to any sale of library assets, but I will continue to advocate with them that the sale of any branch is not a viable option.
I will make every attempt to keep you informed during this process and provide additional information as it becomes available. Again, I thank you for your advocacy on behalf of our public libraries.
Gale A. Brewer
PS It's important to stop the rape of the library.
While the New York City-born Doctor Anthony Marx is a distinguished political scientist, he is no librarian.
I don't doubt his plan means well, but the removal of the books from the subterranean stacks would signal the end to the city's greatest research library.
Ms. Brewer
I have been using the 5th Avenue Reading Room since the 1970s back when the requests were delivered to the stacks by pneumatic tube. Your book was delivered to the desk within an hour. The removable of the volumes from the stacks has increased that time to days, so it is obvious that the new system is a step backward for those seeking knowledge.
This library was designed as a research library on par with Paris' National Biblioteque and the British Library in London.
The books should be on site to promote knowledge.
Not in New Jersey.
The stacks should be for books.
Not retail stores supposedly generating income for the NYPL.
I thank you for my response and diligence in pursuing a dialogue between the community, scholars, and the library trustees.
Please keep us informed
Sincerely Peter Nolan Smith
To sign a petition against this renovation, please go to the following URL
Without knowledge there is no freedom. - James T Steele
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