Friday, January 17, 2025



The summer solstice sun was falling through the trees. The nature-park north of Hamburg was dead still. The approaching evening heightened the darkness within the corridor of tall pines. A rutted dirt road led deep into the new forest. No sign on the rusting wrought-iron gate said to where. A crumbling stone wall surrounded the property. Electronic sensors, video cameras, attack dogs roaming the grounds, and armed guards had once guarded the Von Hausen state from the Baader-Meinhof Gang's reign of terror in the 1970s.

1982 was a different story. The revolutionaries were dead, serving prison sentences, or in exile in East Germany or Libya. A low profile had served Germany's uncrowned aristocracy as the best defense against the masses. A wild swath of brush, brambles, and thorn trees within the estate's walls acted a barrier between the road and the estate's gardens. Flickering torches led to a Nineteenth-Century mansion. Laughter echoed over the neglected rose gardens, where the partygoers drank champagne and ate foie gras with a grace passed through blood.

The men appeared powerful and the wives looked ten years younger than their real age. The facial and physical uniformity was the result of centuries of interbreeding. Teenagers in chic outfits danced to Dexy's COME ON, EILEEN around the crumbling fountain. Exquisite girls undulated sinuously, while the blasé boys shrugged from side to side. Behind the twin turntables Bertram Bellepas was dying to dance with several of the female guests, despite Kurt, the owner of Hamburg’s most popular nightclub, having warned against fraternization with the upper classes.

These people preferred for the help to stay in place and the older set viewed the nightclub parvenu with all the suspicion the rich hold for someone ascending from the lower class. Few could understand their host’s association with such the nightclub owner, to whom the aristocrat simply referred to as the 'entertainment'.

Hamburg was a small city for a population of 1,600,000, especially in the nightlife. The two men had met countless times at parties, concert, and clubs. The baron had maintained a healthy disdain for the parvenu. Some people are the help.

Last year Lukas Von Brucken’s had inherited his title to discover his late father had ravaged the fortune as revenge against his only son's youthful rebellion. His inheritance had withered to an antiquated steel mill completely indebted to the banks and enough money for a two year holiday in Gstaad and Mallorca. His destitution was no one's business, which was why he threw this party tonight. It was one thing to be bankrupt and quite another to look pleite or broke.

His young wife skated through the crowd a goddess on silver stiletto heels. A shimmering silk sheath molded to her tanned skin. Her silver-blonde hair cast an unearthly halo around her angelic face. THe marriage to a man over twenty years her senior and the antithesis to her ingenuous purity had mystified everyone.

Lukas' thinning hair and the mottled flesh were the penalty from drug abuse. His bright smile was a smirk of decaying teeth. Considering how hard the baron had lived throughout the Sixties and Seventies, his achieving forty-two years amazed no one more than himself.

Vanessa Von Hausen greeted Lucas with a kiss on the cheek. If he was capable of pity, then he might have felt pity for her marrying him, instead he kissed her cheek, consummately acting the role of a loving husband.

“Having a good time, darling?”

"Lots of fun. Come dance with me," his wife whispered in her ear, touching a red spot on his shirt.

His grimace confirmed another meeting with Petra Wessel, Hamburg’s premier dominatrix. A spot of blood stained his shirt and she withdrew her hand, as if his masochism was as contagious as the Plague, when priests led around flagellants to purge the pestilence from Europe.

For his part Lukas' savored Vanessa's naive revulsion.

”Dancing is best left for the young in body and heart. You’ll have more fun with Kurt.”

“I’d rather dance with you.” Vanessa still prayed for his salvation, but turned her turquoise blue eyes on Kurt Oster. His criminality lured her pure soul and she motioned to him to meet nightclub owner on the dance floor. Many of guests scrutinized their host to gauge his reaction and Lukas might have warned Vanessa to be more discreet, but their falling in love was all part of a grand plan to fend off financial ruin.

Vanessa swayed back and forth, her belly grazing Kurt's thigh. Silky strands rippled across her spine like a theater curtain closing on the stage and the lengthy gold necklace swung between her compact breasts. The melting scent of her perfume wafted in the night air. Feeling the hard nipples shift across his chest, Kurt almost kissed her, then stepped back from his partner.

Surveying the partygoers' faces, he recognized many from newspapers and magazines as the upper echelon of Northern Germany. Most were capable of reciting their lineage into the Middle Ages as opposed to Kurt’s obscure peasant roots. Their families controlled riches beyond imagination, while his wealth originated from any number of semi-legal schemes, but their fortune had not come through pious acts. Murder, theft, mistreatment of workers, pollution, and poisoning the food supply were just a few of their crimes. They were no better than him and he whispered to Vanessa, "One day soon I will take you away from all this."

"Do not talk like that." She looked around to see, if anyone might have overheard him.

“Why? I’m not worried about what these people think. They only have money, because they either were born rich, married someone rich, or stole it.”

As the stepson of a Hafenstrasse butcher his birth had excluded a 'silver spoon in the mouth' and Germany's complicated laws of inheritance protected any true redistribution through marriage. The only way to achieve his dream was by robbing from the rich to give to the poor and he held Vanessa tighter.

"You do not love Lukas and he does not love you"

“How can you say that?” Vanessa was flushed with excitement. Up to this moment their flirtations had been only a tease.

“You think I associate with these people to get ahead? They hate me and everyone like me. Your husband as well. I only serve a purpose.” His hand slipped down her back and then they danced in a dizzying circle. “You must know how I feel about you and I think you feel the same way too. I am working on something to change both our lives and then I will ask you to leave behind all this all. Somewhere in your heart you will find a way to say, "Yes."

Vanessa snapped back her head. She was married. Her life belonged to Lukas, though she demanded without any conviction, “Stop.”

"Why?" Kurt sidestepped around her, then pulled Vanessa tight like an Apache dancer. “You want it as much as me."

The song ended and they broke their embrace. Vanessa’s face turned a scarlet red, as Bertram segued into LE FREAK. The international disco hit by Chic launched the young dancers into a frenzy. On the terrace Lukas clapped his hands in feigned delight and waved for his wife to come over. Once she was next to him, he put his arm lovingly around her and asked, "What did Kurt say to you?"

She paused for a second, attempting to conjure a lie, only her upbringing demanded nothing, but the truth. "Kurt wants to take me away."

"Oh, don't they all, my dear? What else did he say?"

"That he had something big planned that could change everything for him."

"What? Like rob a bank?" There was nothing more pathetic or more vulnerable than a lower-class fool in love with their better like they believed in fairy tales. Vanessa lowered her head.

"He did not say."

"Of course he will not." Lukas kissed his wife on the cheek and cautioned like a concerned husband, "You should stay away from Kurt. He is trouble."

"Thank you for the warning." Vanessa was trapped playing the princess in a diabolical fairy tale, but knew her role well. She was studying fairy tales for a master’s program in literature at Hamburg University. Lukas' family owned the both editions of the 1812 Grimms’ Fairy Tales. They really weren’t meant for children or the naive. "If there is anything I have learned from you, it is that no man is harmless."

“And few women too.”

Lukas walked away, as tears formed in her eyes. Only one woman satisfied his libido and he should have married Petra, except his titled prejudices forbid such a luxury.

Lukas entered the library stood before the monumental 32-volume dictionary of the German language started by the Grimms Brothers and completed in 1961. So much effort for nothing. Only a few thousand copies had been sold, since few people were wealthy enough to afford a full set. His father had bought thousands of books and those never read crowded the library's shelves. Lukas had upheld the tradition by occasionally holding them, as if the sentences, paragraphs, and chapters could be absorbed through osmosis, though not a word passed through the covers to his hand.

Vanessa had come into his life with her research of how fairy tales role define good and evil in western culture. lost in these old books like a Cinderella trapped in a tower. Not only the Grimms brothers, but was easily enthralled by classics E. T. A. Hoffmann he Nutcracker and the Mouse King or Nussknacker, Das kalte Herz by Wilhelm Hauf und Mausekönig and Johann Gustav Gottlieb Büsching, Puddocky. He had become not so much smitten, but bewitched by her innocenct belief that these tales formed our morality. He had remained a gentleman and listened and laughed with her interpretations of humanity.

Lukas regarded books as dusty reminders of the past and his entire life had evolved into a series of remaking the movies he loved; DARLING, SUNSET BOULEVARD, INFANTS DE PARADIS, SALO, and most lately Jean Renoir's black-and-white version of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.

Lukas slammed his fist against the wall. He had been tricked by an addendum to his father's will that the inheritance was null, unless he married. The old man had been mad enough to imagine that his sacramental union with a girl as pure as Vanessa might rescue his soul from damnation. He often fantasized about disinterring his father's corpse for the animals in the forest to scavenge, except his designs of destruction were meant only for the living.

Lukas envisioned himself reincarnated as a dissolute noble in Visconti's THE DAMNED, reveling in the cinematic daydream. The door to the library opened for his secret guest. Lukas motioned for SS Tommy to take a chair. Few of the partygoers knew Cali's right-hand man and Lukas shut the shades, while SS Tommy warily sat in a rich leather chair. The blonde pimp had met Lukas Von Hausen at several clandestine meetings for a neo-Nazi movement. He considered the Count a soft believer, since he was Oberklasse, a drug addict, a homosexual, and now a S&M slave to Petra Wessel, whose dead eye tracked SS Tommy whenever they were in the same room.

As much as he hated the aristocrat, the Party was in no position to exclude members, especially one whose family as well-connected as the Von Hausens, but come the revolution, Lukas was destined to be put up against the wall with the other race traitors, so the Fifth Reich avoided the same mistakes of the Third Reich.

"You didn't invite me here for a social chat, so what do you want?"

"Besides a united Germany, what is your fondest dream?"

"To be King of the Reeperbahn,"

"What if I could help that dream come true?" Lukas' original purpose in attending neo-Nazi meetings had been to incense his father, except the old bastard approved of their politics. Lukas continued associating with this motley organizations in case the connection might come in handy one day and today was that day.

"You? How can you help me?"

"Who stands in your way? Ein Schwartzer in such a position. Cali. It has come to my attention that Cali and Kurt Oster have something in the works. Something that might help both you and me, if we were to interfere."

"What?" SS Tommy smiled, for the mention of Kurt's name confirmed the rumors about the nightclub owner’s affair with Vanessa Von Hausen.

"That is still their secret, but I have a way of finding out."

Taking on SS Tommy as a partner was as risky as grabbing an egg from a snake hole, yes a partnership was a danger he was willing to risk, because while a snake bit any hand stuck in the hole, no one said Lukas had to be the one snatching the egg.

"Du verarscht mich. I'm no sucker." SS Tommy crossed the room and seized the baron by his lapels.

"No one said you were,” Lukas answered without struggling. The pimp had swallowed his bait. "I have a man following Kurt. Who is not important, but he is very good. When he tells me any new information, I will tell you. Are you in or not?"

"If I find out you have been lying to me in any way, I will kill you."

"I hope you find that unnecessary." Lukas flipped his arm against the pimp's wrists, freeing himself. His right arm slipped around the pimp's throat in a classic shime-waza or chokehold at the city’s premier Judo dojo. "You may think me a weak man, but if you want to better yourself, then stop playing the strong man with me."

Lukas tightened his pressure.. Another five seconds and the pimp dropped to the floor unconscious. He released SS Tommy, who sat in a chair coughing convulsively.The Count slapped him on the back.

"Breathe slowly and the pain will go away faster."

"I underestimated you."

The taller man had him in a death grip a few seconds ago

"Many people think I am my reputation. The don't know the real me and as I said we can help each other.

"When would this all happen?"

"Maybe a month. Maybe two."

"Will it cost me any money?"

"Only time and your special talents." Lukas adjusted his jacket, strangely aroused by the confrontation. SS Tommy’s thick finger pointed at the baron, trying to regain some bravado.

"Remember. If you fuck with me...."

"You will kill me." Worst things might happen than SS Tommy’s threats and Lukas calmly said, “So are we in agreement?”

The blonde pimp nodded and the two men shook hands.

Lukas opened the door. "You'll understand, if I ask you to leave by the back."

"No offense taken," SS Tommy fantasized about paying back this sleight and walked through the woods to his car parked on the nature park’s road. .

SS Tommy drove his Ferrari out of the estate, rubbing his throat. King of the Reeperbahn appealed to him, not because of money. He had more than he needed as well as every woman in the Eroscenter. His base desire the power to strike back at everyone who had ever stood in his way. The list was topped by Cali, because 'King of the Reeperbahn’ even sounded better once SS Tommy ruled the street.

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