Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Moneyless Americans

Americans don't have money. They have credit card debt. - James Steele - Fugitive

Americans are $1.8 trillion dollars in debt to banks. If there are lucky. The average credit card interest rate in America is 24.26% after the fourth straight monthly decrease in the wake of recent Federal Reserve rate cuts. Mostly spend on what they don't need or accumulating interest rates. Deconsume, children, and otherwise wait for International Write-Off Day. Realize you own nothing, but your debt which averages $6000 per Americans. Young, old, and dead.

I have no credit cards. I haven't for sixteen years. I have nothing to show for that time, except well-fed families in Thailand. Cash is freedom. Fuck cryto-currency. Just another scam by the wealthy scum.

"When your cab driver tells you about stocks, it's time to get out of the market. " JP Morgan. American Monopolist.

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