Monday, January 27, 2025

Seeing Things

When I was given psychological tests after my fatal diagnosis of liver cancer, I told the psych interviewers that I experienced visions and saw people out of the corners of my eyes.


"No, visions. I can see beyond the veil."

I informed them that I had been born with the placenta around my head. For the Celts birth with the caul meant you have the sight. Not only of the future, but all dimensions of time. No one had ever said that and afterwards my health proxy FX Timoney said as we drove back to Clinton Hill that I might not want to tell everyone everything.

"I can only tell the truth."

As I sickened ammonia seeped into my brain. I had long periods of 'brain' fog' from the hepatic encephalopathy. More comas than hallucination, but outside my eyes the world swirled out of control. I wasn't scared by them. More amused, since I was no longer drinking, the 'visions' and brain fog were my only out of body experiences.

The corner of the eye sightings and the brain fog have gone away. I had feared that my brain might have been damaged. Post-transplant it's functioning better than ever. Now I am sober, but visions I still see. Prediction. We are in for a rough ride in America. The Land of the Freaked.

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