Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sieg-Heil Trump - Elon Musk

A day after theocracy replaced democracy in America. Elon Musk, the world's richest man, thrilled the inaugural audience by twice sieg heiling after his speech. Joy enraptures the true believers, while the fallen moan their present fate.

There is a need for concern.

Trump won the election by more than a million votes, as Democratic voters abandoned Kamela Harris for her vague message, support of the Hamas genocide, and the fact that most American males will not vote for a woman.

It was no landslide, except in the Electoral College, a unique institution dating back to slavery days and slanted for the GOP thank to an aggressive campaign to gerrymand the congressional districts in their favor of a return to God.

Elon Musk responded to criticism by the media. "Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The 'everyone is Hitler' attack is sooo tired."

Most of my Jewish friends voted for Trump, provong that some German Jews vote for Hitler.

A photgrapher friend texted that he couldn't beleive how much the religous right hates transgender people.

I wasn't. I had lived in the 1960s. By 1968 I was twisted, more a sexual adventurer than a queer, but I never accepted gay-bashing. Just recently a longtime Jewish friend of mine was arguing with his twelve year-old daugther that he didn't hate gays.

"I have gay friends."

"But you said if he touched you, you would punch him." She was more than mad. It wasn't my place to interfere with a discourse betwen a parent and a child, but I knew him well and said, "First, I know you almost fifty years. I've never seen you throw a punch. Secondly I do hate gays. I don't mind you lying to yourself or me, but don't lie to your daughter. It will bite you in your ass. Lastly don't fuck with a trannie. They will fuck you up."

The infamous John Spacely according to Wikipedia

feld LA to the East Village where his drug addiction got to the point where he was unable to work. He then returned to his life of hustling, focusing on the St. Mark's Place, where he became a popular street personality. Around this time, he got in an altercation with a drag queen, who along with some others attacked Spacely with chains, injuring his eye. After this incident, Spacely most often wore an eye patch over his damaged eye, because he did not have enough money to have the surgery needed to correct the eye.

"Never fuck with a drag queen."

Elon Musk should take heed.

He is a big guy, but a drag queen will beat a man senseless with her high heel. I've seen Kathoeys do it in Thailand. I cheered them on. Sie gesund, transfroys. ie Yiddish for trans woman.

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