Sunday, January 19, 2025

Why Read At All - Florida Ban On Books - 2024

On September 11, 2024 Florida fired the New College of Florida's librarian after the release of photos of the dumpster of books. The state liberal art college had been taken over the previous year by allies of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis dedicated to the Nazi-styled cleansing of books offensive to Bible Thumpers. In early August library Dean Shannon Hausinger had asked a New College lawyer about the policy for weeding out books. The lawyer had answered that the process that had been started by her predecessor of removing books that no longer aligned with the college's mission or hadn't been checked out in years according to NPR. New College Board of Trustees member Christopher Rufo a neo-religionist described as "taking out the trash." Given the green light Dean Shannon Hausinger issued the purge order without any supervision; damaged books, out of date books et al.

ABC reported that The Social Equity Through Education Alliance had been alerted by a New College student who reported seeing what they believed was up to "thousands" of books being "shoved into a dumpster" behind the college's library.

"We basically tried to communicate to officials that there were educational nonprofits and shelters that were immediately willing to bring trucks and save all of the books … and officials refused," said Zander Moricz, executive director at SEE.

Moricz continued, "There were Bibles, there were stories of Black authors, of Latin authors, female stories, there were LGBTQ+ and queer stories, or trans stories, all thrown into a dumpster. It sends the message that New College of Florida wants to send stories of gender and diversity to the dump, and it was so heartbreaking and also very frustrating."

Dean Shannon Hausinger was fired on 9/11 for carrying out her superiors' orders.

I suspect the none of the offending Bibles were the King James Version. Known as Many Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches as King James Onlyism.

My mention of this even is a year late, but a new survey by the Pew Research Center reported that 42% of college students stop reading after graduation . Amongst my friends only 10% read books dedicated their time to cat memes online, thus becoming nonliterate. I'm presently rereading CLADIUS THE GOD by Robert Graves. King Herod of Judah is his best friend, but has nothing to do with the Nailed God.

ps Ignorance is easier to achieve than enlightenment. - James Steele - Fugitive

Dean Shannon Hausinger was terminated on 9/11/2024. Funny how that date keeps showing up.

I hope MANCHILD IN A PROMISED LAND by Claude Brown or PIMP by Ice Slim weren't in the trash.

Their fragments remain in my mind.

"I said a fool was somebody stupid. Dad said I was right, but there was more to it than that. He said it takes a stupid person to keep looking for something that is never there." Claude Brown.

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