Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sadness Of The Sober

A woman reacted to this quote online.

She - This man was really a sad lunatic. To go through life and seeing all that misery and ugliness, which I don’t deny, but not seeing the beauty of a first day of spring , blossoming of flowers , or the jubilant sound of the laughter of children playing in a distance is total madness and beyond my comprehension!!

She - He was a drunk

Moi - And?

Serge Gainsborough after a beautiful woman said he was ugly. "Yes, I am ugly and you are beautiful, but I will always be ugly while your beauty will fade." The true shame is man's creation of ugliness instead of beauty.

Juff another commenter - and if he'd had set his sights a bit higher than spending his life riding barstool, there's no doubt his works wouldn't have been so fuckn dreadful.

Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you've felt that way. - Bukowski

Sober people are sober. Good on 'em.But unlike me. I was once a drunk. Wasted days and wasted nights. Drinks for all my friends. Rage on against those who have never sinned, except in judgment. Their words are dust on the wind. They have never stood in Kansas. And we don't need their prayers. We lived. For good. For bad. Mostly for the in-between. Thankfully without a thought for them.

ps Bukowski tended to write about the darkness of life.

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