Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Evil Of The Church

In the early 1970s I drove taxi in Boston. Occasionally I received dispatched calls and picked up young girls in a family way. Our destination the diocesan home for wayward girls in Dorchester. These young girls sent to the nuns to be treated as Mary Magdalene, who was never portrayed as a loose woman in the New Testament. Birth control was a mortal soul. sexual education was banned and abortion meant eternal damnation. They arrived crying, rejected by their families with the stern care of the penguins. Heartbreaking. I was in no position to help them and spare them the agony of the Goodbye Room when the babies were taken from these teenage mothers forever. I rejected the Church at an early age of eight. I have never prayed to the Nailed God since.

ps The Sisters of St. Mary taught me throughout grammar school. Sister Mary Goretti, Sister Mary Osmond, and Sister Mary Magdalene were some of the best teachers in my educational years. I went on to attend Catholic high school and college. I failed religion in high school. Thank you.

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