Saturday, January 25, 2025

Planetary Alignment January 25, 2025

Tonight's night sky will present a planetary parade of six major planets. The rare collection of seven planets in alignment will gather the solar system's celestial energy hopefully changing the current human miasma of despair.

The sun will be the unseen lynchpin for Mercury, Venus, the Earth Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, although light will illuminate the Moon. Just after sunset the planet will reveal themselves and Venus and Jupiter will be the brightest. The alignment of all nine planets are a mathematical impossibility even with the downgrade of Pluto as a planet. According to last time the eight planets were grouped within 30 degrees was Jan. 1, 1665, and the next time will be March 20, 2673.

It's sunny in New York City. Last night I spotted the Evening Star in the sky. Tonight might be clear Comet C/2024 G3 will appear seventeen minutes after sunset, which will be at 5:12.

In the 1983 film Local Hero, Peter Riegert, playing an aspiring executive says from a classic red English phone box to his boss in Houston, "Sky, sir? It's amazing. I wish you could see it! I wish I could describe it to you like I'm seeing it!"

All I can say is put away from cellphone and keep your eyes on the sky.

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