Sunday, December 30, 2018

Palm Beach Off Season / Not everyone is what they seem

During the 2008 NBA playoffs I escaped the luxurious confines of Palm Beach to watch the Celtics versus the Lakers at my friend's house in Jupiter Beach. I patted Pom Pom on the head.

"You be a good dog."

It was an impossible request.

The Airedale had been rescued from a Riviera Beach crack house. Her muzzle was laced with fight scars. She was crazy, but so was I.

"See you tonight."Andy and his kids picked me up at the mansion and we drove on I-95 north. His wife was cooking us dinner, except she was not in the house. Andy hadn't mentioned they had been fighting about her working at Macy's.

"She barely earns enough money to pay gas." Andy complained, while cooking dinner for his two sons. "It's not easy supporting a house on one income."

"Where is she now?" His wife had always been a little high-strung in contrast to Andy, who had been a hippie in the early 70s.

"At a friend's house drinking wine."

"Is her friend cute?" I hadn't seen any pretty women in Palm Beach.

"Yes, but she's going out with this salesman from the Bentley dealership in West Palm."

"Oh." A failed writer stood no chance against a good earner with any woman.

"They're pretty serious. I think they might even want to get married." Any further conversation about the couple was short-circuited by Andy's discovering that his blender was broken so he couldn't mix daiquiris for us. "Damnit, Christina probably dropped it."

"Just sounds old to me."

He wasn't listening to me and vented about his wife for several minutes. Within seconds he was on the telephone to Christina's girlfriend. "I want to speak with my wife."

He slammed down the phone.

"Guess you're wife doesn't want to speak with you."

I knew the feeling having two temperamental Thai wives. The phone rang again. It was his wife's friend. Gabby invited us over for drinks. Her boyfriend had heard that I was a diamond salesman. He was looking for a 3-carat diamond. Andy wanted to make a statement by not accepting her offer.

"Not a chance. Tell her we'll be right over." The profit on this sale could pay for a few week's in Thailand. I miss my daughter, wife, and mistress. "You get 10% of the profit."

Andy said we'd be right over and drove three minutes to another house identical to his, except the interior was a more deluxe. Gabby was on alimony payments. 5-figures a month.

"Excused the sunglasses I left my regular glasses in Palm Beach." I can't see anything without them.

"No problem, they're cool." Gabby served us drinks, while we watched the basketball game. The Celtics were killing the Lakers. Andy went home early. His kids were sleepy. I stayed to speak with Gabby's boyfriend about diamonds.

"Diamonds here are 50% to 100% more expensive than New York." I speiled the opening in less than a minute. Diamonds sell diamonds and I showed him a pair of 3-carat studs. Christina and Gabby were impressed by the sparkle and I explained that the stones were slightly imperfect but of a good color and cut. The boyfriend said nothing. It was getting late for me too. Too late to drive back to Palm Beach and chance a stop by the police, so I slept in Andy's spare bedroom.

In the morning Andy made pancakes with bacon, The syrup on the table was corn. I used raspberry jam instead.

"Palm Beach tastes." Corn syrup was good enough for Andy. He didn't eat pancakes and asked, "Gabby's boyfriend say anything about the diamond?"

"No, he didn't seem that interested. I'll email him the details and prices later in the week. Just say good for me. Car salesmen are more suspicious than lawyers. Both of them lie too much."

"I'll find out what he thinks about it." Andy stood to make a dime bone on the sale.

"Good." We went off to the beach and then I drove back to Palm Beach. Pom pom was floating with piss and spent about two minutes urinating on the next door neighbor's lawn. Good thing they were up in the Hamptons.

On Monday I spoke with Richie Boy in New York. He gave me the prices on several 3-carat diamonds. All good color, SI in clarity, and running around $30k. I emailed the information to Gabby's boyfriend and awaited a response.


Two days later I called his cell and left a message.

No return calls.

I mentioned this to Andy.

"Seems he doesn't trust you." Andy told me over the phone. "You wore the sunglasses the entire time you were in the house."

"I can't see without them." They were prescription.

"He couldn't see your eyes," Andy explained without any need for further clarification. It was a dead deal and for more reasons than dark glasses.

That's bullshit."

"I don't think Gabby's ready to an engagement ring."

"Why you say that?"

"She met him three months ago and he's moved in with her and her kid. She knows nothing about him, so she had a detective do a background check."

"Find good?"

"Not really."

"That doesn't spell love to me."

"He's a good guy, but been married once before, has two grown daughters, and now wants to have more kids. Gabby's a little nervous."


"And so is her boyfriend. He had a fellow worker call up Gabby and ask for a date. She told this guy that she was seeing someone, but it might not work out. The guy told her boyfriend this and they've been fighting ever since."

"That doesn't look good for our sale." Thailand was out of my reach.

"Yeah, but it's funny he said he couldn't trust you because he couldn't see your eyes. He couldn't even trust Gabby."

"Hey, everyone's gun shy in matters of the heart." It took me 5O years to give someone an engagement ring. "Hell, I don't trust me."

"Well, I do." Andy had purchase two diamond rings from me.

"You want to buy your wife a 3-carat ring?"

"I do but my wallet doesn't."

He was a school teacher in West Palm. The ring would have cost his yearly salary. "But who knows, Gabby likes him. Likes only two letters from loves."

Andy was counting eliminating 'ik' without considering the addition of 'ov'. The letters by themselves spelled nothing no matter how hard I tried to jumble sense into them. Kivo was the best and I said it to Andy.

"What's that?"

"The difference between love and like."

"I like that."

"I'll love it, if I sell the stone." Andy and I could both use the money and all we needed was for two people to trust one another, which isn't too much to ask, because the difference between like and luck was 'ieuc' and everyone knows that means nothing. Especially someone who wears sunglasses at night.

For a related article click on thsi URL

Lisa Rowan In The Stars - Happy Birthday

Last year in Palm Beach my good friend Lisa Rowan passed from this world into the stars. We first met in Paris back in the 80s and remained close for the next thirty years. Our favorite story was about my taking care of a cat on Rue du Dragon and when the owner returned from a modeling trip Christine shouted up to the top floor, "How's my cat?"

Lisa yelled back, "Fine."

And I showed a stuffed animal cat, which I dropped and Lisa screamed, as did Christine, until the stuffed animal harmlessly thumped on the ground.

"You bastards," screamed our friend, but her cat was all right and we had a good laugh at Christine's expense.

Lisa and I told that story hundreds of times along with many others.

A great athletic. She whopped me in tennis like I was a rented mule, but then the Philadelphia native had been selected to play on the 1980 Women's team to Moscow Olympics. And more importantly Lisa was a great mother to her son Krystopher and loving daughter to Renna Kimmel. She will always be our MY GIRL.

Today is her birthday.

Love you long time.

To hear MY GIRL, please go to the following URL

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Trump's Flushing the Washington Swamp

On August 24, 1814 British troops tried to burn down the new capitol of the United States.


A day later a hurricane doused the flames, but that salvation hasn't prevent further attempted cinematic destruction of the city along the Potomac River.

Aliens have destroyed Washington DC in countless movies.

For some unexplained reason science-fiction film makers think Washington DC is a beloved emblem of America. Not everyone shares their opinion.

The traffic sucks and rents are exorbitant. The bars close at 10pm and the town is loaded with free-loading politicians. Still young college graduates fill the ranks of the bureaucracy in hopes of political success and experience. Tourists come to visit the sights.


The White House.

The Capitol and the two houses of Congress.

The Washington Monument.


Few people realize that the marble, granite, and bluestone gneiss obleisk was the tallest structure in the world from 1884 to 1889.

Aliens have also had their way with the Monument, but nothing is more dangerous to a democracy than a demagogue.

Donald Trump had campaigned in 2016 on a pledge to close the US-Mexico border, which would be financed by our southern neighbor. The President of Mexico undiplomatically told Trump to 'vete a la mierda' or 'go fuck yourself'. Throughout the ensuing two years #45 has periodically repromised his constituency that the wall will be built to stop illegals from entering Freedomland and this December he rejected signing the federal budget unless $5 billion were added to erect a little over two-hundred miles of steel fence.

The Senate said go fuck yourself and Donald Trump tore up the last page of the finance bill in response to their rejecting his wishes.

The result.

No government except for essential services such as the ICE, the DEA, CIA, NSA, and the Pentagon, except for the Coast Guard. Over 800,000 federal employees were furloughed without pay. All national parks are closed to the public.

The Lincoln Monument remains open for selfies by Trump.

No wall. No government.

Which means we now do not have to pay income taxes, the same way Amazon and Apple pay nothing.


Thank you, Mssr. Trump.

ps you and Congress aren't getting paid either.

Unless it's by Melania's stiletto heels.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

47 A GO-GO - BET ON CRAZY by Peter Nolan Smith

Last week the best antique dealers in our diamond exchange moved to a new address. Their vacated booth was both minuscule and expensive. The building management had been hard-pressed to find a new tenant in these hard times after Christmas.

I stood by the glass counter with the departing salesman and Jo-Jo the security guard, who were discussing the possibilities for such a constrained space. The salesman was in favor of a rest area for the ill-mannered hawkers of 47th Street. Richie boy hated them and Jo-Jo suggested a bar. It was a good idea, but I had a better one.

"We should open a go-go bar. The girls dance in the window. We have six seats. $10/drink, which have to be finished in less than ten minutes. That's $360 an hour. $3000 a day. Over a million a year. Most of it profit."

Jo Jo and the salesman turned their heads.

"The window isn't big enough for anyone to dance in it." The salesman was thinking normal like most people his age.

"This go-go will be special." I didn't even have to shut my eyes to envision the crowd inside the exchange. The mob on the sidewalk would be five deep. My idea was genius. "We hire midgets to dance in the window. Steel pole hobbits. No dwarfs."

"No dwarfs?" Jo Jo sounded uncertain of the difference.

"Midgets and dwarfs don't get along."

"Don't get along?" Jo Jo was drunk. The redheaded ex-cop had a drinking problem with Buds. I said nothing about it to no one. I wasn't a snitch.

"There used to be a midget bar in the West Village. The bartender never served dwarfs. Midget think that they merely short humans, while dwarfs accept their shortness as normal. Everyone has to have someone beneath them."

"You wouldn't want to be known for prejudice against dwarfs." Jo-Jo knew my politics.

"No, I wouldn't like that." But I had seen fights at that bar between the two vertically challenged groups. "Only one or the other. Not the both. I'll save that for the boxing arena."

"So what would you call the bar?"

"The 147 Club, because that's the average height of a midget."

"And they could be kosher." The salesman laughed at the possibility of shimmishabbah midgets dancing on the go go poles.

"Midgets willing to shave their heads for you." I pointed my finger upward. "Isn't there an office upstairs? That could be the short-time room. I'll be a millionaire in a year."

"The police will arrest you in the first week." Jo-Jo was an ex-cop and all cops are downers on a good time.

"I'll pay them off. For religious reasons."

"Like what?"

"I worship Hassidic midget go-go dancers."

Manny my boss was staring at me. He hated my bullshitting. My salary was too low for him to say too much, but we liked each other and I returned to my counter. There were no customers. Business was slow. Last year had been even slower.

"What were you bullshitting about?" Manny wanted to know how I was wasting his time.

"Midget go-go dancers in the next booth."

Manny shook his head. Most of his 80 years old had been spent in New York.

"You live long enough to hear everything. Please get back to work."

"Whatever you want." I returned to my desk and looked at the booth. The 147 a Go-Go was an impossible dream, but for one day it would have been a paradise for midgets. Me too because I would have served dwarfs just to see the shit go crazy. Once a punk always a punk.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Beer On Mars

The European Space Agency aimed the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera at the Red Planet's North Pple and discovered a huge frozen lake in the Korolev crater.

82 kilometers wide and 2 kilometer deep of frozen H2O meaning that there will be beer on Mars.

Some hopefuls have claimed that discarded beer cans have already been discovered on Mars.

Hopefully the first beer won't be Bud.

It sucks everywhere on this world and any other.

And my son Fenway knows better than anyone else about that.

Only the young will get to Mars.


I can only dream of the Red Planet.

Christmas Truce

Peace on earth.

I'm declaring a Christmas Truce on all bad thoughts.


Friday, December 14, 2018

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

Sic transit gloria mundi translates from the dead language of Latin phrase into "Thus passes the glory of the world" in English, even though no one in America speaks that language. There is very little glory left in this world, which is why we look to the stars.

Next year Andromeda.

Dad's Moustache 1972

In the early 1970s my father complained about my sister's boyfriend's facial hair and she told my father that he would look younger with a mustache. He grew one and then sideburns too. Youth always wins over an older man.

Mom, my youngest brother Michael and my father Frank A Smith II.

Love them all forever.

Friday, December 7, 2018


Phillip Brook came from Tasmania. We met in Paris during the 1980s. He was a journalist and hardcore junkie also a little queer, not that I minded, because queers were much more fun than straights in Boston, New York, or the City of Lights. We worked together for several magazines and journals. He was a better writer, but he never criticized my typos.

"What can you expect from a man with a lisp, a stutter, and dyslexic fingers?"

I didn't have an answer for him, but we were good friends and right before Christmas of 1991 he came to New York to interview the head of the UN. He asked where we should meet for drinks.

"The Sheraton on 6th Avenue. The ground floor bar's decor is pure 1960s."


That evening I met Phillip in front of Rockefeller Center showed up at the aging hotel. Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the Hilton. They were protesting the visit of President George H. W. Bush. He was running a war of genocide in Guatemala. Hundreds of riot police manned the barricades.

"Maybe we should go someplace else."

"What for?"

We were both wearing suits. I approached the cops. One asked, "Where do you think you're going?"

"To meet two hookers in the bar." I pointed to the Hilton.

"I like an honest man." He pulled on the steel barrier. Shouts harangued us. Phillip and I ddin't care, but he asked, "Are there hustlers too?"

"Only the best for the Hilton."

We had several drinks and I told him how my sister-in-law had worked for Bush during his time as Director of the CIA.

"You know everyone in Paris thinks you're a spook."

"I have a rejection letter from the agency. 1980."

"Further proof you are what you say you're not. They probably dosed you with LSD and then planted you as a mole to blossom in the sun decades later."

I realized brook had been holding out of drugs and I body-searched him for three seconds.


"I was going to give you."

Yeah, right."

I did a little of this and more of that.

We entertained the working boys and girls at the bar. Phillip told them I worked for the CIA. They believed him too. I pimped them to the hordes of GOP supporters awaiting the President. I asked for nothing. They all bought me drinks. Way too many for comfort and I told Phillip, "I have to go to work tomorrow."

"I do too, but how are we going to get through the mob."


Shouts chanted profanities outside. People were angry. I could pass for GOP, even though I was 100% anarchy. We were going out the same way we came in and I said to Phillip, "We'll leave by the garage."

"I'll follow you."

We left the bar. The security was lax. The first line was fat cops working overtime. The second line of defense were State Troopers. Dumber than a bucket of mud. The garage was ahead. A few SAecret Service agents glanced at us. They deemed us harmless. AS we arrived at the exit, a limousine hauled up to the curb. Everyone snapped to attention. Someone opened the rear door and out popped the President of the USA. Taller than I thought, but I called out, "George."

He turned his head with alarm and I approached him to say, "My sister-in-law worked for you."

I mentioned her name and he relaxed.

"I love that girl."

"And she always says good for you, Mr. President."

We shook hands and he entered the hotel. An agent came up and asked, "Who are you?"

"A citizen of the USA."

Phillip and I exited from the hotel.

"Not CIA. Bullshit."


He didn't believe me and there's some times when I don't believe myself, except I have the proof.

RIP George H W Bush.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

41 BLANCO STREET AUSTIN by Peter Nolan Smith

In late January of 1975 I drove a blind piano-tuner in a Delta 88 from Miami Beach to the East Texas. Everyone at the Sea Breeze Hotel on Collins Avenue had warned me about Old Bill’s driving. I thought that the old coots had been kidding, but outside of La Grange the blind man ordered me to turn off Route 71 onto a dirt road.

Gene Ammons was playing on the cassette deck.

“This is it.”

“Here?” The cotton fields were bare brown earth.

“My lady friend lives a couple of miles down this road.” Old Bill motioned for me to get out of the car.

“You know where you are?” There wasn’t a single house in sight.

“Road 4123, right?”

“Yeah.” I didn’t ask how he knew, having witnessed the blind man’s extraordinary powers on more than one occasion.

“You’re really going to drive?”

“It’s my car. Of course I’m going to drive.Now get out of my vehicle.”

I stepped out of the car and Old Bill slid over to the driver’s seat.

“You’re not serious?”

“More serious than a heart attack. Good luck, motherfucker.” Old Bill had a way with words.

“You too.” I shivered thinking about the impending car crash.

“Don't worry about me, Hippie Boy. I'll be fine.” The old piano-tuner twisted the wheel, as if he were reading the braille from the pebbles on the road. “Hippie boy, am I pointed straight?”

“I left you on the crest of the road. Anything off that is the ditch.” The hard-scrabble two-laner ran straight as a strand of dry spaghetti to the hazy horizon.

The white orbs of his eyes blinked with radar precision.

“Then I’m good. See you, when I see you.” Old Bill drove off slowly, weaving from side to side.

After a minute the black speck of the wavering Delta 88 was swallowed by its rooster tail of yellow dust.

A half-hour later a trucker stopped and drove me to Austin. We arrived in that college town close to sunset with the horizon boiling with splattered palette of color.

“I’m heading for El Paso. Ain’t much between here and there.” The trucker throttled down his big rig.

“I might stay the night here.” I had read about Austin in Rolling Stone magazine.

“If you do, go down to the World Armadillo Headquarters. Jerry Jeff Walker and Willie Nelson are regulars there."

“So I heard.” The club had been anointed the musical navel of the Southwest.

“Wish I could check it out with you, but I'm on a tight schedule.”

"I don't have to be in California for another week."

“Then have that first beer for me.”

"Will do." I jumped down from the cab and the truck hauled out to the west.

A dented red Ford pickup with Texas plates approached from the east. Two hippies were in the front. I had long hair. We flashed each other peace signs. They stopped on the shoulder.

“Where you headed?” asked the red-eyed passenger.

“California's destination. I have a girl out there, but for tonight the World Armadillo Headquarters.”

“Us too. We just got done working on the ranch." The driver had a battered straw hat.

"Shovelin’ horse shit all day." The passenger wrinkled his nose.

"And now we want a beer." The driver thumbed for me to jump in the back. "Commander Cody’s playing with Asleep At The Wheel.”

“First rounds on me.” I sat in a flatbed smelling of cow manure. I smelled the same by the time we reached Barton Springs Road.

The Armadillo was located next to a roller rink. I brought my bag inside with me. The two hippies knew the man at the door. We entered for free.

A dazed hippie girl checked my bag and I walked inside the enormous club. Joe Bob, the pickup’s driver, informed me, “The Armadillo used to be an armory.”

“The acoustics suck, but the bands are kickass.” His scrawny friend lit up a joint. "You wanna hit."

“Nothing for me.”

Marijuana possession was a serious crime in the Lone Star State and Huntsville Prison was infamous for the harshness of incarceration. My hosts could easily be narcs.

“You sure?” Joe Bob sucked heavily on the thick stick.

“It’s from Oaxaca.” Ray-El wore a battered cowboy hat and shit-covered boots.

“No thanks.” I wasn’t wasting a couple of years in Huntsville Prison for a joint.

“Don’t worry, there ain’t no one gonna bother you in the Armadillo about weed.” Billy Bob passed the reefer to Ray-El, whose inhale expanded his lungs to the bursting point of a thin balloon. He exhaled, coughing out, "Narcs didn’t inhale."

“Cops, lawyers, judges, everyone comes here to hear the music and drink beer. I thought you said that first round was on you.” Billie Bob took the joint.

“That’s right.”

I surrendered my caution and bellied up to the bar with the joint in my hand. Lone Star was the beer of choice. I ordered six. I toasted Austin and told stories about the blind piano turner. We drank with other cowboy hippies, who were well over 6-feet. Most looked like they had played college football for an angry coach.

I don’t recollect the opening bands, since Joe Bob, Ray-El, and I tossed back shots of tequila to get in the mood for Commander Cody, except Joe Bob had the wrong date. They were playing the next night, but Asleep At The Wheel proved to be a killer band.

I went to the payphone to call Emma in California. Like always there as no answer. I returned to the auditorium.

Most of the audience watched from the floor, but I was dragged onto the dance floor to perform a country version of the Hustle with a redheaded woman in a filmy black dress.

“You’re new around here?”

“Just got into town today from the East Coast."

"Smells more like Texas to me."

"That must be the cow shit."

"Damn straight, my name’s Ginger. Where y’all stayin’?” she asked after a breath-taking swirl.

“Nowhere.” I hadn’t slept with a woman in over two months.

“I live on Blanco.” Ginger was thin and still a waif at 25.

“I don’t know where that is.”

“It’s not a walkin’ distance.”

“I don’t have a car.”

“Me neither.”

“You have your horse here?”


"This is the West and a horse is much easier to ride than a cow."

“Funny, we got taxis here. Probably one waiting outside.” Her fingers graced the inside of my elbow. Seduction was her mission. I was an easy target.

“Then let’s go to your place.” I was 23, 5-11 with long brown hair. Ginger and I were made for each other.

I informed Joe Bob about my plans.

"Quick work. That redhead is a looker."

"You city slickers are fast on your feet." Ray-El winked his approval.

“More she’s faster than me.”

"What about that girl in California?" Joe Bob ordered two more beers.

"She's a thousand miles away from here."

"That's the god-awful truth. If you need someplace to stay later, call us.” Joe Bob wrote his telephone number and address on a napkin.

22nd and Chestnut.

“We have a commune. One more or two more people ain’t gonna kill us.”

“He won’t be needin’ us tonight, but if you do get up our way, just ask for the hippie commune. The peckerwoods will show you the right way, if they don’t shoot you first.”

“Maybe I'll see you tomorrow.” I told them, because tonight I was destined to be deep in the heart of Texas.

Ginger’s house was a bungalow not far from Shoal Creek. The classic western decor testified old cattle money. Her two family names echoed the importance in Texas history. Her bed was brass. The sheets were scented with spices. The mattress was soft. I piled my clothes on a chair. My bag lay at the foot of the bed.

"Where you headed anyway?"


"Y’all in a hurry."

"Not tonight."

"Good, because there's nothing west of here, but more Texas."

Ginger lit candles and put Joni Mitchell BLUE on the Marantz stereo. The song was CALIFORNIA from the album BLUE. James Taylor played guitar on the song CALIFORNIA. Our young bodies recreated Big Sur on her bed and we didn’t fall asleep until dawn.

“Y’all have to leave before noon.” Ginger’s drawl was exhausted by her effort and mine.

"For the West?"

"No, just out of this house."

"Who you expecting?"

"No one in particular."

“Noon it is.” I mentally set an alarm in my head.

The bell failed to go off at noon and Ginger’s violent shaking ended my coma.

“Y’all have to go.” A silk robe was wrapped around last night’s body.

“Now?” I was very comfortable.

“Now.” The demand was urgent.

A pick-up truck door slammed outside. A man’s cowboy boots were lined against the wall.

They looked a size 12.

“My husband is back from the oil field.”


A man called out her name.

I grabbed my bag and clothing.

Ginger pointed to the bedroom’s open window.

“See you at the Armadillo later.”

There was no time for a kiss.

I fled the bungalow naked without a backward glance.

A taxi took me to the commune. The driver knew the house. He came inside to smoke some weed. Billy Bob and his friend were sympathetic about my plight.

“Even cowgirls get tired of fuckin’ cowboys.”

Billie Bob and Ray-El belonged to a vegetarian commune. They introduced me to the clan. The girls came from the Deep South. They smelled of patchouli and didn't shave their legs.

Ginger kept hers smooth with a Lady Schick razor.

That evening we ate a feast of mushed broccoli and peas. My passport into their midst was a big bottle of red wine. They were a big family; eight co-eds from UT, Joe Bob and Ray-El. We all had one plate. That night we saw Commander Cody at the Armadillo.

Ginger arrived at midnight.

“Sorry about this mornin’.”

“Noon, not morning.”

“You poor thang.” She caressed my cheek. “Y’all lit out like a rattlesnake with its tail on fire.”

“I thought it was the right thing to do. What did you’re husband say.”

“My husband is dumber than a cow tied to a stump. A hard worker and a good church person, but not too exciting. Not like you.”


“Yeah, Tommy only performs in bed as the Good Book tells him, but I have to fess up that you Yankees are a whole nuther thang.”

“We are.”

“I don’t know about them. I just know about you.”

I told her about Old Bill driving blind. She laughed at all the right parts.

We repeated the previous night with some deviations from the Bible. Ginger loved her Joni Mitchell. A noon departure cut it too close for comfort, so I woke with the dawn.

Before leaving I checked the closet. Tommy's shirts were an XXL. Dumb or not he was a big man.

“Don’t you worry about Tommy's. He’s roughnecking all week out on the Basin near San Angelo.”

“How far away is that?”

“Two hundred miles.”

Texans drove fast.

Ginger blew me a kiss from bed.

"See you later, Yankee Boy."

I should have been smart and hit the road, but Ginger played men like she had an ace as a hole card.

That week we explored the bars along East Sixth Street. Cowboys and black musicians drank early in that town. Co-eds From the University of Texas served cold beer. I played pool. Eight-Ball was a good way to kill the day.

A cheap hotel room across the Colorado River was a safer place than Ginger's house and I felt deep in the heart of Texas most of the afternoon.

“Y’all done tuckered me out.”

I could barely move and she kissed me on the lips.

I paid the hotel bill.

$20 wasn’t expensive, but my money was going fast with Ginger.

That night Ray-El and Billy Bob met me to eat cheeseburgers at the Victory Grill.

“We have to keep up our strength.” Ray-El liked his meat rare.

“Beans and veggies are animal food.” Joe Bob like his bloody.

It was tough being a vegetarian in Texas.

“You be careful of that Ginger. She’s no maverick.” Billy Bob soaked his burger in chili sauce.

“Huh?” I remembered James Gardener TV show from the 60s.

“She got an old man.” Ray-El draped jalapeños on his.

“And a big one from what I heard.” Billy Bob shook his head.

“I ain’t goin’ nowhere near her house.” Their accent was wearing off on me.

“Maybe not, but Austin is a small city and a smaller town, if you just hang out on East Sixth Street.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

That evening I went to the Armadillo early. The jukebox covered a lot of ground. Jerry Jeff Walker was setting up for the night. The bartenders knew my name. I tipped better than the goat-ropers. Jimmie Lee served me a Lone Star Beer.

“Tommy Gammage been lookin’ for you."

“I don’t know any Tommy Gammage.” The last name was familiar and I knew why.

“He's Ginger’s old man and he don’t look none too happy.”

“Thanks for the info.” I tipped him $5 and left the Armadillo by the rear exit.

It took me an hour to walk the back roads to Chestnut. The sun was down by the time I arrived at the commune.

The front door had been kicked in by a big boot.

Joe Bob was sporting a black eye.

My bag was at his feet.

“Let me guess. Tommy came looking for me?”

“You got that right. I didn’t say nuttin’, but we don’t want no more trouble. The sisters in the commune has voted you out.”

“Me too.” Ray-El shouted from the living room.

“I understand.” They commune was into peace and love.

Ray-El came to the door. The girls were shadows in the kitchen.

"Let me make a phone call."

"To Ginger?"

"It seems like the right thing to do."

I dialed her number.

There was no answer.

“I vote me out too.” I picked up my bag. "Sorry, ladies."

“I’ll give you a ride to the highway.” Joe Bob handed me my bag.

I didn’t refuse his offer.

Route 71 was more than five miles away from the house.

I kept my eye open for any angry husband.

"One last beer at the 'Dillo."

"Not tonight."

"You want me to say anythin’ to Ginger."

I liked lying in her bed.

I liked the idea of lying with her again.

With any luck Tommy would be working in the north of the Texas Panhandle and Amarillo to Austin was a 500 miles ride.

"Tell her I'll be back in the spring, but don't mention that to her old man."

"I ain't saying nutthin to that redneck peckerwood."

The radio played FREE BIRD by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Joe Bob turned up the volume. We smoked a joint.

The pick-up stopped on the highway.

I grabbed my bag from the back.

It smelled of cow paddy.

I guess I did too.

"You be careful on the road." He handed me a joint.

"I will."

"Ain't nothin’ much out there."

"Ginger said the same."

"Have a good time in LA and stay away from married women."

"Thanks to the advice."

Billy Bob waited by the side of the road, until a westbound Camaro shuddered to a stop.

I waved good-bye to Joe Bob and got in the car.

The Mexican driver was a Marine headed west. He shifted into first.

"How far?"

"All the way to Camp Pendleton." Second gear came fast.

"And then?"

Anywhere, but Viet-Nam. My war days are over." 3rd gear lasted a second and we were cruising in 4th.

"Glad to hear it."

I told him my name.

Chaz was listening to a beaner station playing Freddie Fender's WASTED DAYS AND NIGHTS.

"You meet any women in Austin?"

"One. A redhead named Ginger."

"I love Pelliroja. They make my hot boil. Why you leave?"

"She had a husband. A big gringo."

"Hijo de la chingada, I hate husbands."

"Me too." I missed Ginger. "But I'll be back."

"Good man. Next stop is El Paso. I know a great place for heuvos rancheros."

"Anything in between?" I looked at my map.

"Just a lot of West Texas. Mind if I drive fast?"

"Not at all." I relaxed in the seat and looked back toward lights of Austin glowing over the trees.

The road head of us was empty.

Stars wrote a broad path in the night sky.

Chaz stepped on the gas.

There was nothing between here and El Paso, but more Texas.

Just like everyone said.

It was a big state.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


The Third Reich had disappeared in 1945, but the images of its death camp horrors have gripped the imagination of filmmakers and holocaust survivors beyond the death of Hitler, but in 1974 Italian director Liliana Cavani explored the reincarnated sadomasochistic relationship between a SS officer and her concentration camp sex slave played by Charlotte Rampling. Dirk Bogarde's character has been hiding as a well-mannered night porter of a Viennese hotel, until Lucia checks into his establishment.

Critics loved the film for its raw sexuality, while Roger Ebert attacked the portrayal of a victim's surrender to her past.

Personally I found the movie scintillating and Charlotte Rampling's Lucia was a courageous performance for a young actress.

Kinky and controversial without going hardcore.

There are no nice Nazis.

To see NIGHT PORTER go to this URL

Monday, November 26, 2018

Le Beaute de la the Haute Savoie

Le Beaute de la Haute Savoie

The northern wind hummed against the hotel room's windows. The blonde actress stripped off her clothes and lay naked on double bed. The pillow embraced her face. Downstairs in the hotel bar the film crew celebrated the film's wrap. Wine wine and more wine. The English loved their drink and loved the cold. Belgrade gave them all the cold they could handle. Not the actress. She was thin. A pale beauty from Quebec. The douvet provided warmth. To her skin. To her flesh, but not her spine. It was winter in Yugoslavia. Tomorrow she was flying back to Paris. Her home, but in two days she was traveling across the Atlantic to Montreal. More cold weather with her family. She shut off the lights. Her next role was that of Marie Therese Louise de Savoie-Carignan. 's best friend. The Princess of Lamballe could have walked from the doomed queen, but honor required honor. The mob screamed, "Off with her heads." Marie Therese Louise de Savoie-Carignan's head ended up on a spike. Her skull danced before the doomed queen's windows. An English movie star was casted as Marie Antoinette for the French TV Series. She possessed lovely hair. The blonde actress shivered in her bed. The twin spires of Vlaska glowed outside the window. Another place in her life. Montreal, Paris, LA, Hong Kong, Berlin, New York, and the North Pole. Why couldn't she be in the Sahara once? But in truth she had no worries. She was a working actress and actresses liked work. Especially in 1989.

E Pluribus Unum Forever

Last May sixty male attendees of of Baraboo, Wisconsin junior prom gathered on the steps of the Sauk County Courthouse and more than 50% of them gave the Nazi salute. No one said anything, until someone posted the photo online and people questioned the school administrators about the picture.

Lori Mueller, the Baraboo School District leader, wrote in a letter that the district was “not in a position to punish the students for their actions” because of their First Amendment rights.

The outrage centered on the boys, but also accused the photographer. The former local teacher and educator Peter Gust posed the photo, which he said was a wave goodbye. This coming from a longtime white supremacist.

The school district has refused to investigate the incident, despite rumors of racism within the 94% white high school, on the grounds that a Nazi salute is not forbidden under the 1st Amendment.

Ignorant commentators of have supported the the school district stance.

NJAB wrote, "You don't have to so far back in time. Walk into your nearest kindergarten and ask, "who wants a candy?" See how many "Nazi" salutes you get."

JEFF stated, "That's how it is in USA, there is free speech unless it happens to really offend you. Then the freedom is cut off."

And LINDA 60615 from Chicago believes, "Far left doesn't want free speech for everyone."

They claimed that the boys were giving a roman salute, however there is no statue or painting or fresco from the Imperial Roman Empire showing the salute.

Augustus of Prima Porta comes closest and it ain't close at all.

The salute first appeared in THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE EAGLE STANDARDS (1810) by Jacques-Louis David.

Also in Ave Caesar Morituri te Salutant, by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1859), although 'we who are about to die, salute you' has been been attributed to a single Roman, slave, or gladiator.

The Bellamy salute was promoted by the Knights of Labor, although with the rise of nazism in Germany and America President Franklin Delano Roosevelt substitute the hand on the heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

There was never a Roman Salute and the boys from Baraboo are the face of racism and hatred in America.

The Proud Boys under the Erich Roehm wannabee.

The dozens of Patriot Prayer ps fuck your Christian TV god.

And all the other race haters go fuck yourself.

The 1st amendment was not written for you.

Slavery perhaps.

Because in the end you're all racist and that is sad, because none of the Founding Fathers were white.

Why did George Washington wear a wig?

To hide the kink.

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

That is the answer.

I don't care about your racist questions.

E pluribus unum or out of many one.
