Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Welcome To Zimbabwe

WrittenJan 30, 2013

In 1979 the white Rhodesian minority lost its stranglehold on the landlocked African nation and the UNAC won the April elections. Power-sharing arrangements shifted in the coming years and Zimbabwe began a black nation on June 12, 1979. Since that time the country has been ruled by President Mugabe, who has driven the economy of the resource-rich land to ruin.

Today the country's finance minister announced to the press, "Last week when we paid civil servants there was $217 left in government coffers."


I have more in my bank, but tomorrow there might be nothing, so I understand Zimbabwe's pain, although I am ruled by the feckless foibles of Wall Street and not a demented dictator.

I don't know what is worse, but I am only one and Zimbabwe has twelve million people.

I don't even want to calculate how much $217 is when divided by that many.

Not much.

Welcome to International Write-Off Year.

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