Fifteen years ago I received a very negative comment about my entry for Mary Magdalene on Mangozeen.
The Argentinean writer had responded to a Facebook survey of what Biblical character she would be. Zuckerman's website search engine chosen Deborah of the Old Testament. The prophetess had predicted the defeat of King Sisera at the hands of the persecuted Israelites. The Canaanites' assault chariots had been stopped by the muddy fields below Mount Tabor. The commander fled to his camp, where his wife, but also a prophetess, Jael, pounded a tent peg through the sleeping man's skull.
Extolled above women be Jael, Extolled above women in the tent. He asked for water, she gave him milk; She brought him cream in a lordly dish. She stretched forth her hand to the nail, Her right hand to the workman's hammer, And she smote Sisera; she crushed his head, She crashed through and transfixed his temples.
The Israelites were attempting to steal the Canaanites' land of Milk and Honey.
Same as the Zionists in Palestine.
My rebelliousness forced a rude reaction.
"Better you were Mary Magdalene. A fucking whore."
Opps, I never really thought of Mary Magdalene that way.
Here's Dampira's riposte.
I'd rather message you then comment on your "blog."
Mary Magdalene wasn't a fucking whore, you ignorant fucktard. You are the fucking whore for believing it after it was proven that she wasn't. It's been cleared up. You think it's okay to call a woman a "fucking whore" let alone a innocent woman like Mary Magdalene that had nothing to do with prostitution?
Ignorant douche-bag.
People like you should be fucking dragged into the street and get impaled by tons of crucifixes then shipped off to Rome to be imprisoned for two decades for being a ignorant fucktard you are!
It's amazing you have pictures of women dressed like fucking sluts on your blog and you lust after these fucking skanks. You worship them. Fuck them. Give them fucking respect.
Mary Magdalene never did these things and yet she gets flak. She was proper and didn't dress provocative unlike the fucking THAI tramps in that lame ass third world shit infested garbage dump you love so much. Fucking hypocrite. FUCK YOU GAY LAME ASS ANIMAL.
I'm out.
Don't bother typing back to me because you are not worthy and I don't plan on reading your trash.
I will never visit your sorry excuse of a so called blog. Goodbye, pig.
It is true that I like sexy girls and the Church has never canonized Mary Magdalene, but the writer was correct in his assertion that Mary Magdalene was never an alabaster woman. There was no mention of her selling her body in the Gospel. Western Christianity mixed her up with an unnamed repentant woman anointing Christ's feet in the Gospel of Luke.
She was the beloved of all apostles and in the rotting pages of the gospel of Philip was written about Mary Magdalene, "Christ loved Mary more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on the mouth. The rest of the disciples disapprovingly said said to him, "Why do you love her more than all of us?" The Saviour answered and said to them, "Why do I not love you like her? When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. When the light comes, then he who sees will see the light, and he who is blind will remain in darkness."
MM was his girl.
For better or worse.
I stand corrected as an ignorant douchebag, but every sinner deserves a reprieve and secondly the girls of Pattaya are more saints than any westerner will ever realize. So fuck Dampira too.
Oof 0_0
Oof 0_0
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