The search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the Southern Ocean was called off, because of a cyclone crossing the Roaring 40s. Five ships and 11 aircraft scheduled to cruise the remote seas some 2500km southwest of Perth were warned of the impending storm and headed to safety of Perth.
A naval officer announced, "Anybody who's out there is coming home and all additional sorties from here are cancelled."
After a month no wreckage from the Boeing 777 has been found on shore or at sea. Objects spotted from satellites have turned out to be either containers washed overboard or large accumulation of plastic trash.
The only two other planes have vanished for this long.
In 2009 Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris on May 31, 2009 disappeared into the Atlantic. The two-year search recovered most of the wreckage, the majority of bodies, and the voice and data recorders, but nothing of the Boeing 727 turned up from a missing flight from Angola's capital of Luanda in 2003. Gone forever and no one knows where or at least those that do know aren't saying where.
The same is true for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, then again no one can find anything, if they are looking in the wrogn place.
First the Gulf of Siam and now the Southern Ocean with nary a mention of Diego Garcia.
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