Sunday, December 29, 2024


Dallas trumphed over Atlanta and the Steelers bettered the Broncos to set up the two teams playing in SuperBowl XIII, as the NFL uses Roman numeral to classy up the most profitable Battle of Brawn of 1979.

Alice will return to New York after a long holiday in West Virginia. She telephoned last night with plans for the New Year Celebrations. I've always considered the celebration an amateur's night out and have opted to work at Hurrah, drinking with my friends and fellow punk rockers, as billions around the world welcome 1979, the last year of the 1970s, which started with Nixon and Vietnam and ends with Jimmy Carter as president and cocaine supplanting LSD as drug of choice for the disco crowd.

Morte, Morte, Morte.


The NYU Transplant Unit has demanded that I have my blood tested weekly for drink and drugs. Tomorrow I will be five months straight. The longest sober stretch of my adult life with another six to go before the Surgeons will even consider an operation.

I want to live.

I want to see my children grow.

I want to write.

And I want to teach the young and old about life away from their cellphones.

Morte, Morte, Morte a gin/tonic.

Aegroto dum anima est, spes est ~ Erasamus - As long as there is life there is hope.

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