Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Bus To Boston

March 9 Daylights Saving ends Normall rise at 6 Today 7 The Flex Bus departure at 8 Smoke pack my bag go taxi 7:41 The Bowery and Canal The old Fung Wah stop Departure on time Cross the East River I know this route well Chinatown to Chinatown 1962 to now in the 21st Century Along the Connecticut coast North at New Haven Now New England Home of my youth Cross the Connecticut River At Hartford I-84 Into the Sturbridge Hills Birch trees, hemlocks, ice pond, and patches of snow Three Mass Staties conducting a traffic stop A slow Sunday morning The Pike ahead I see the future I-90 West to Seattle East to 128 The Charles South Station The 1:45 train to 128 To see my young sister Pam Known as Auntie Beautiful To her nieces and nephews And her daughter Sara and loving husband Steve Family I have lived many places Brooklyn East Village Paris Thailand And places in between But as Jonathan Richman sang "I've been to Paris and I've been to Rome, but I'm there's nowhere else I call my home. Oh England." And I'm on the bus On a winter Sunday morn To hold my sister's hand.

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