Friday, August 15, 2008

Burma Embargo Ban a month later

Last month's embargo by GW Bush on Burmese sapphires, rubies, diamonds, emeralds, and jade has had no effect on the trade of these precious stones in Myanmar. Gem dealers from around the world are flocking to Yangoon to purchase gems for their home markets without any consideration for the USA edict aimed at intensifying pressure against SLORC, the ruling military junta.

"We are not concerned (by the US embargo)," Myint Myint Cho of the Min Thiha Jewelry Shop in downtown Rangoon told a reporter. "We are not thinking of it at all."

Like most Bush diplomatic initiatives it's not so much a failure as a non-issue and its effect hurt the poor minets in the undeveloped regions of Burma rather than the generals suppressing the people.

And Thailand is happy with Burma the way they are, since the lastd thing they want is a strong Burma.

Another mission unaccomplished for GW Bush.

Better to do nothing than something that does nothing.

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