Saturday, June 1, 2013

Painting Like Warhol

In 1969 my friend Joe Gator hand-painted his Chevelle SS white and slapped a ragged black slash down the middle. "It'll make it go faster." I think the BC High senior used the same paint as Warhol slopped over this BMW M1. Andy echoed Joe's comment, "I tried to portray speed pictorially. If a car is moving really quickly, all the lines and colors are blurred." Warhol had a common touch. According to the first and only time this rolling work of art took part in a race was at the Le Mans 24-hour Race in 1979. It was driven by Manfred Winkelhock from Germany and the Frenchmen Herve Poulain and Marcel Mignot. They finished sixth overall and second in their class. Joe Gator only raced his Chevelle on Boston's Route 128. "Roadrunner, roadrunner." It never finished worst than last.

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