My friends accuse rt.com of anti-American bias.
I don't blame them.
They have reporters reporting reportages, instead of talking heads reading words from a teleprompter in front of a blue screen, however I had to admit that RT has a pro-Russian slant on Syria.
Since the Cold War the Assad regime had been supplied with Russian munitions to counterbalance Israel's addiction to US arms and the Kremlin has dealt with 'internal' Muslim unrest with an unbridled ruthlessness.
There will never be a Free Chechnya.
Today RT released an interview from a Syrian Christian nun contesting the White House accusations of the Assad regime gas bombing civilians on the Damascus outskirts.
Please read
Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib claimed that the attacks were fraud.
Laissez-faire Western Media accepted 'her' claims as the truth.
None of them commented on the size of her shemale hands, although once I posted the Order of St. Tranny's photos the very beautiful Emily R remarked 'she looks just like Soeur Marie-PIERRE haha the meanest one--had a moustache too-- I had back when i went to Mont-Olivet in Switzerland...Made me stand on top of a desk so she could measure the length of my uniform skirt that was too short (i had rolled it up at the waist)made me stand there for an hour!"
I liked the image and asked, "Not with your arms out?"
"No, she had those tied behind my back."
As an atheist I stopped breathing in delight of her Corporal Catechism mirage.
Bad Catholic schoolgirl.
We loved them ad infintum.
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