More proof that the War on Drugs has been lost by the forces of Law and Order came with Toronto's mayor publicly admitting to smoking the pipe on a drinking binge.
Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. There have been times when I've been in a drunken stupor. That's why I want to see the tape. I want everyone in the city to see this tape. I don't even recall there being a tape or video. I want to see the state that I was in."
Calls for his resignation were countered by a 5% upswing in his approval rating, yet Rob Ford has refused to leave office, "I was elected to do a job and that's exactly what I'm going to continue doing."
Mayor Ford also added, "Folks, I have nothing left to hide. I would do anything, absolutely anything to change the past, but the past is the past and we must move forward."
A little more than 1% of Canadians used crack in 2012 according to surveys.
Judging from that 5% uptick I reckon that Rob Ford is depending on the crackhead voting bloc to solidly support his re-election attempt as long as the Mayor came out in favor of legalizing cocaine, so that Toronto could flourish with the job creation from the opening of crack dens throughout the city.
Personally I've never used the stuff.
But no man's poison is another man's cure.
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