The Copenhagen Zoo has come under attack for first killing Marius, a giraffe, on the grounds that its genes were too close to the female giraffe. This culling of a healthy giraffe was according to the BBC, which reported that since 1828 only five giraffes have been euthanised for conservation reasons. The zoo further explained that this ethnic cleansing of Marius' gene was a benefit to the entire menagerie and disssected Marius before a large group of children.
Peter Sandoe, professor of bioethics at the University of Copenhagen, explained, "When small children can go and see this giraffe and see it being turned into lion food, it's a very good picture of what nature is like."
The giraffe carcass was fed to a pride of lions only to have four lions suffer the same slaughter to prevent a new male lion from murdering the two females and two cubs as is the practice of a dominant male in the wild.
Copenhagen Zoo was deaf to any pleas to spare Marius or the lions, earning hate mail and death threats from animal lovers. Danes support the measure, but Denmark also condones the hunting of whales for food. One visitor told the BBC, "If you talk about what's cruel, it's wanting to go to the zoo and look at all the animals, and then getting hysterical when the zoo takes responsibility to ensure that there is no inbreeding."
The same could be said about walking the streets of Copenhagen and seeing all those blondes.
The zoo supervisor might be available to work those death camps, judging from this statement, "The young antelopes have a good life.It's not a very long one, but it's good, and in the wild they probably wouldn't live even that long. They have nice surroundings. I think they're happy. And they do not hear the gun go off."
One website satirized the killing
Copenhagen Zoo Kills Four Healthy Staff Members To Make Space for New Employees
"The Copenhagen Zoo has killed several of its staff members early this morning in order to create four new job openings, the Zoo public relations sector reported. Officials of the Zoo say that the four members of the staff were humanely executed after being put to sleep with a lethal injection." A
s a neo-senior I might be a candidate for culling.
Oh, those crazy Danes.
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