Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Da Friggin’ Quincy Quarries



On August 28, 1994 three teenagers climbed up to the Quincy Quarries.


Their death-defying leap into Swingles Quarry was followed by low-drive from Rooftop.

On August 28, 1994 three teenagers climbed up to the Quincy Quarries.

How high was from the Rail to the water?

120 feet?

We'll never know.

The Quincy Quarries were buried by the debris from the Big Dig. The project was completed in December 2007 at a cost of over $8.08 billion (in 1982 dollars, $21.5 billion adjusted for inflation, meaning a cost overrun of about 190%)as of 2020 according to Wikipedia.

All to save five minutes on the ride through Boston. Giving 20,000 drivers a million dollars each to stop coming to work and spend money on Nantasket Beach would have been a better idea.

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