Friday, March 29, 2019



By Fredico Garcia Lorca

For Mary Peace

Then I led her to the river certain she was still a virgin though she had a husband. The fourth Friday in July, as good as on a promise. The street lights were vanishing and the crickets flaring up. Last bend out of town I brushed her sleepy breasts. They blossomed of a sudden like the tips of hyacinths and the starch of her petticoat bustled in my ear like silk slit by a dozen blades. The pines, minus their halo of silver, grew huger and the horizon of dogs howled a long way from the river.

Past the blackberry bushes, the rushes and whitethorn, beneath her thatch of hair, I made a dip in the sand. I took off my neckerchief. She unstrapped her dress. Me my gun and holster, she her layers of slips... Not tuberose, not shell, has skin as half as smooth nor does mirror glass have half the shimmer. Her hips flitted from me like a pair of startled tench: the one full of fire, the other full of cold. That night I might as well have ridden the pick of the roads on a mother-of-pearl mare without bridle or stirrups. Gentleman that I am, I won’t say back the scraps she whispered to me. It dawned out there to leave my lip bitten. Filthy with soil and kisses, I led her from the river and the spears of lilies battled in the air.

I behaved only the way a blackguard like me behaves. I offered her a big creel of hay-colored satins. I had no wish to fall for her. She has a husband after all, though she was still a virgin when I led her to the river.

In 1936 Lorca was murdered by Falangist assassins outside of Granada by the Great Spring with three other men. His crimes were homosexuality, socialism, and freemasonry. His body and those of the three other men were never found even after an excavation costing 70,000 Euros.

Texas Tower Massacre

On August 1, 1966 Charles Joseph Whitman started the day by killing his wife and mother. He left a note in his apartment.

"I do not quite understand what it is that compels me to type this letter. Perhaps it is to leave some vague reason for the actions I have recently performed. I do not really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average reasonable and intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and irrational thoughts."

Charles Whitman departed from his apartment and drove to the Texas University. The ex-Marine climbed the 307-foot tower with a cache of weapons. From this aerie he shot dead 13 people and wounded 32 others with telescopic rifles. This rampage lasted for hours. Finally two Austin police officers broke through the barricaded door and put down the killer with shotguns.

"We got him."

At his autopsy medical examiners found a brain tumor in his head. He was also on speed and rumors abounded about his abuse as a child by the Catholic priests from his home parish of Lake Worth, Florida.

No one blamed the guns.

Not then.

Now now and not when gunmen assail 'soft targets' such as school, fast food chains, and malls or a concert at Las Vegas.

Strangely no deranged gunman has ever attacked a gun show.

Guns and guns and guns.

Not once in America has a mass murderer assailed a gun show, proving that either the madmen are scared of not accomplishing their murderous mission or gun shows calm the burning blood of a killer's brain.

Don't get me wrong. I like shooting guns. Just not at people.

Unless they are after my family, then it's open season.

Lock and load.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Actual Story - Jussie Smollet

On the morning of January 29, 2019 TV actor Jussie Smollett said that he was attacked in the early morning of that day in the 300 block of East Lower North Water Street in Chicago's Streeterville neighborhood. The two masked men shouted, "This is MAGA territory." while assailed their victim with fist, feet, and teeth before putting a noose around his neck and pouring bleach over his head. Previous to this attack according to Wikipedia Smollett received a threatening letter which depicted a stick figure hanging from a tree with a gun pointing towards it. It read "Smollett, Jussie you will die" and "MAGA" and contained a white powder determined to be Tylenol Being a gay black man Jussie was rightly supported by the community, until the Chicago PD raided the house of two Nigerian brothers once attached to the TV show. The CPD, a white-racist bastion of black suppression, declared that the attack had been staged by the actor and charged him with sixteen criminal counts, but yesterday all charges were dropped by the district attorney, despite the rantings of the Zionist mayor, Rahm Emanuel, backing his white power force of slave patrols aka CPD. It is plainly obvious that the Chicago PD were involved in the first racist anti-gay letter from a rejected police lover and that the his fellow boys in blue blotched their attempt to cover their tracks. These are not the facts, but my hunch. They are seldom not far from the truth

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Da Wall Of Trump

Donald Trump ran of the pledge to erect a border wall financed by Mexico. The USA's southern neighbor laughed at his proposal and Donald Trump has sought to find a way to build the Wall of Trump. Somehow this week he convinced friends in the Pentagon to build a 51-mile fence to stopped drug traffickers. The War on Drugs was declared by Richard Nixon in 1968. The War was lost in 1967. Trump's fence will be just as successful, but something tells me that the wall won't even make ten miles. The assholes know nothing, especially since the drugs coming into this country are led by the banks, the rich, and military.


I don't need no fuckin' facts.

The truth is just too obvious.

Arrest all the Sacklers for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans with oxycontin.

All of them and their government handlers.

Only one thing for them.

The firing squad.

Fuck Chuck Schumer

Senate Majority leader attacked Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar as an anti-zionist mirror image of Donald Trump at AIPAC's annual rally for Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine. New York's Chuck Schumer joined House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Bob Menendez, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in condemning the young congresswoman's support of Palestine. Israel did not exist in 1945. The number of refugees from Europe and other Jewish enclaves numbered less than a third of the population of the British Protectorate, yet were granted more than half the land by a UN mandate. All of the Democratic presidential hopefuls no-showed for AIPAC conference, but the money and votes of the Israeli bloc are an important factor for the old school Democrats. They don't see the clock ticking against them.

Free Palestine.

Free the world.


Special Investigator deliver a report after two years of delving into the murky waters of whether Donald Trump had asked the Russians to swing the 2016 elections to the acting US Attorney General. William Barr declared that Robert Mueller had not uncovered any evidence to support suspicion of collusion or obstruction of justice. The nation's # 1 white supremacist was exultant in his victory tweet.

"No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!"

His political opponents in Congress called for a complete release of the report, but the Great old Lady the New York Times attacked the 'president' in an extremely brutal editorial in today's boardsheet.

"Mr. Putin did have a clear favorite. He interfered on his behalf, and his favorite was elected president. Trump campaign officials knew about this and were more than happy for the help. Then they lied about receiving that help. This isn’t so complicated. And while Mr. Mueller may not be able to do anything about it, Congress, and the American people, certainly can."

I was cooking at an Israeli restaurant on Beacon Hill the night Nixon was ousted from the White House.

WBZ had broadcast the news. My shout of triumphant silenced the diners and I ran onto Charles Street to celebrate the fall of pure evil. I will do the same when Trump is taken out of Mar-e-Lago in chains.

The steps in the old Montana prison.

ps 75 people were hung by vigilantes or the state from 1863 to 1945.

The State of Montana has executed no one in the 21st Century.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Southbound to Florida 1971

From 2013

Last week Vladmar announced that he was heading to Florida. The Pittsburgh native never been there before. 2013 had been a hard winter.

"I can't believe that I'm fifty years old and have never to the Holy Land."

The Sunshine State was special, but even more so back in the last century.

"My first trip to FLA was in Spring 1971. My three friends and I drove down in a Chevy Nova from Boston to Fort Lauderdale. I-95 was half-finished. There was no beltway around Washington. The weather got warm once we hit the south and we continued straight to Savannah. We drank and smoked reefer the entire journey. The cops didn't stop us once. We were 18 year-old freshmen on college break. Only I had long hair."

"You were lucky." Vladmar had no luck with the police. He looked like a gypsy.

"We crossed the state line listening to WBZ's broadcast of the Bruins-Canadians playoff around 9pm. We were leading 'les Habitants' by two goals in the 3rd period. The station's 50,000 kilowatt signal gave out at the Florida welcome stand. We drank complimentary OJ, feeling good." What else I remember about the trip down are What I remember about that trip was driving down the uncompleted I-95 through Virginia, the South of the Border truck stop, where we bought fireworks, the division of white and black communities, and a section of US1 south of Savannah

"You never beat the Canadians back then." Vladmar was a Penguins fan. They were the Bruins' next opponents in this year's Stanley Cup. They had a big team.

"That's right, but I thought we were lucky. The station faded to static at the welcoming rest stop and I drank free Free OJ thinking about finally throwing off the curse of the Les Habs over the Bs. The next morning I woke up on a palm-lined beach. We swam in the Gulf Stream at dawn.

"Fort Lauderdale."

"Our crash pad was across the street from the infamous Elbow Room in which more co-eds have exorcised the demons of alcohol than any other south Florida bar. I bought the local newspaper and read that Jean Beliveau scored 2 goals to tie the game. We lost in overtime."

"No Stanley Cup victory."

"Fucking Canadians. That night I drank in the Elbow Room." It had been featured in the movie WHERE THE BOYS ARE. "I met a girl from Biloxi and we walked on the beach. Stars glistening above the Gulf Stream. I lit a joint. We smoked surrounded by other teenage couples making out like turtles getting ready to lay eggs. I stared the constellation Orion and breathed the smell of salt off the breeze.

"Consolation prize."

"I would have rather the Stanley Cup."

"Maybe in another life."

"Have a good time in Florida."

I remember that defeat well, but also the kiss of that girl from Mississippi.

It tasted of the South.

To view segments of April 8, 1971 disaster, please go to the following URL

Saturday, March 23, 2019

homer's GULF STREAM - Photo Roman

Dark Man lived on Crooked Island. His people had been slaves. They were free now.

Poor, but free, and Dark Man was one of the best fishermen in the Bight of Acklins.

Waking at day clean his wife cooked a meal and he left Maddie with a kiss.

"I goin ta sea."

"All a ya come back from sea too."

The day was good for late-August.

The sky was clear and he had no Wybin’ with nobodys on the island.

All was peace. No Camolly on anyone and he walked down to the shore.

Old town was sleeping late.

Old Fly asked, "What da wybe is?'

"I goin to sea."

"Same always. Conchy Joe."

"I know dat."

Dark Man had no troubles with no Joes. White people had their ways. He let them have them as long as they paid a fair price for his catch.

Young Boy was already on the boat.

He was a good jack. They fished together always. Young Boy was never fast or a leg short. He was as honest as they come and the two of them, dey spirit agree.

"Pull on dem sheets,"shouted Dark Man.

The boat pulled away from shore heading into the Gulf Stream.

Da wind was biggety and Dark Man studied the sky.

An eye for an eye. The sky bear'd watching.

Findin conch was good.Bettah than Crooked Island.

Dark Man dove the deep wata.

Da wind blew steady and strong.

The hold was filling with fish.

Dey took a small-um shark off Plana Cay.

Young Boy didn'y the sky.

"Time we go to home."

"Mussi you right."

<>Twenty miles of sea.

Not a long way on land.

Too long on sea when da wind blow.

Da morning came and the boat was broke.

Young Boy was gone.

A shark took his place.

Showin sef to be a bad fish.

Dark man had no sweet water.

Da sharks were many.

Dey wanted his soul. Dey hungry for his flesh.

They got none.No one dey live der."

Only turtles.

Thy saved Dark Man's life.

Some day ship come. Save his soul. Take him back to Maddie.

Dat day come for sure.

One day soon.