My cousin Sherrie performed exotic dances around the world. Her skill with a firepole was legendary and a smile graced her face through every routine before a devoted audience smitten with a drool factor of 10. The slim brunette was their goddess, but even goddesses feel pain like mermaids with feet.
No one saw her grimace upon getting backstage or heard her mutter, "My feet are killing me.
Not only her feet, but her hands thighs, knees, and back ached from the exertions of the strenuous acrobatics under the spotlight. She swore the worst damage came from wearing high-heels during these shows.
"Barefoot would be better, but it's so no class."
Things haven't changed much since Sharon's retirement, however a safety class opened in the once notorious Patpong district in Bangkok, so that go-go girls can mesh their fluid movement on a fire pole with elegant dance steps destined to prevent injury usually suffered by ballerinas.
"Go-go dancing should be upgraded to an art," stated Empower Foundation director Chantawipa Apisuk during the Patpong go-go contest of 2006. Her non-profit institution has development many courses for go-go girls and bar workers to improve their lot in life. The contest stressed introductory courses in jazz and ballroom dance to prevent injuries to the over 5000 girls employed at the Patpong bars.
Safety regulation for dancers are non-existent other than for their extra-curricular activities outside the nightclubs, but go-go dancing is an art and should be treated as such by the dancers and spectators. Most girls lazily shuffle side to side.
Beautiful? Yes.
Exciting ? No.
Even the best are imitating the moves from pop stars such as Lady Gaga and Beyonce.
Boring, because most real men don?t want to have sex with those pop sluts.
But better the go-go girls of Patpong and Pattaya concentrate on the learning real dance rather than the spinning firepole routines, because then the real stars came become erotic choreographers for future go-go dancers. Most girls haven?t a clue how to dance and it shows. Not that the beer slobs care. They haven?t seen a naked girl in the flesh in years. And it shows by their appreciation of the less than skillful performances.
Applause for sucking on a banana.
I guess so, but real erotic dancing in the style of Salome comes from practice.
And safety always comes first especially when you want to cut off the head of your rivals. The best acrobatic go-go was GG Barnum?s in New York. Transvestite strippers put on a trapeze act, where they would take off their g-strings in mid-flight. 1978 New York New York It was something back then. No place like that now.
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