Friday, November 1, 2019

Fuck 12

I was just at a demonstration at jay Street Metro Tech calling for the abolition of the NYPD. About 3-4000 people shouting FTP after two separate incidents of police brutality at this subway stop.

End the reign of the rich. End the 12. Free the POWs of the Drug Wars. Defund the DEA. Empty the prisons for profit.

The PO Dee were shocked by this message.

They are calling for reinforcements.

Helicopters are flittering overhead.

Don't they know we are not going to take it anymore?

Obviously not.


Friends responded on FB

EW - And turn this city into pandemonium stupid people without the rule of law you have nothing

JD - there is no question that the NYPD needs major reform and that the department needs retraining. But to completely abolish the NYPD and have no law is nonsensical. We need to stop the militarization of the police force. And we need to reform and overhaul our prison system. There is a lot that needs to be done, but to totally dismantle or abolish the police force would be foolish. We need to fight corruption and injustice, but we also need laws and law enforcement.

AT - Ahh. That's what the helicopters were about. Hope we have enough sense to fight injustice with out the absurdity of "abolishing" the police.

FS - New York City has only angels and saints ,now living there? Hypothetically,in your police free state,who will protect the victims of crime,or will crime disappear with no police?

"The police are not here to preserve order, they are here to preserve disorder." - Mayor Daley Chicago 1968

And eat donuts.

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