Monday, June 14, 2010

Punk rocker dates Thai policewomen

Punk rocker dates Thai policewomen

Richard has been dating Lee two years. He is an aging UK punk rocker and she works for the Bangkok Police. District 8. His friends called her ‘Angie Dickinson’. Her friends named him ‘Sid’.

She’s a good girl and hasn’t asked him for a dime. Richard bought a CRV pick-up and trusts her to take care of the car while he’s back in the EEU playing retro-punk to dissatisfied university students.

Richard professes to never having cheated on Lee.

Thanks to Bill Clinton oral sex is no longer considered sex and Richard possesses a clear conscience in regards to his fidelity.

After a two month stint touring UK pubs with his punk quartet, Richard planned a 20 day stay in Thailand. He phoned Lee. She was upcountry attending a police academy a good 8 hours. She said she would meet him on Tues. He arrived and took the bus down to Pattaya. After one night of staring at go-go girls, he settled into doing nothing, which is his favorite pastime.

But Tuesday comes and no Lee. Her phone service is off. No signals. Richard calls Lee’s friend. No single. Phone service is terrible. It’s Buddhist Lent and everyone has gone home for offer flowers at the village temples. Richard gets worried. Maybe Lee has had an accident.

I run into him this morning and he say he’s thinking about heading up to Bangkok to check if she’s alright.

“Where are you going to go?”

“Her station.”

“Bad idea.” I shake my head. “She’s a cop. Her life at the precinct is being a cop, not some chick dating a westerner. You show up and the other officers will think she’s a whore.”

“So what am i supposed to do.” The stories of cheating Thai girlfriends he has heard from his mates have infected Richard with a dose of jealousy.

I want to tell him, “Go to Soi 6 and get a BJ.”

Instead I say, “Do nothing. Lee’s a good girl. She isn’t fucking some Thai boyfriend. She’s probably at the temple on his knees, praying to Buddha for your luck.”

It 3was what he wanted to hear and I suggested, “Call her office tomorrow. Don’t show up there. The coppers will think you’re a crazy farang stalking their co-worker and throw you in jail. She’ll show up when she shows up. This is Thailand.”

Anything can happen, but it’s better if you think it doesn’t


Lee showed up last night. Her purse and telephone had been stolen at the police academy. She didn’t have Richard’s number and had to drive to Bangkok to get it. The traffic was horrible. Richard couldn’t be happier and never questioned one part of the story.

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