The Great Depression has faded from the American consciousness. The national economy expanded enormously over the last half-century. Most people have only known relative prosperity in their lifetime. Few living recall standing in lines for a soup kitchen. Big cars and fast food created a sense of comfort for the nation. Under GW Bush's tutelage citizens were told that they were rich in housing wealth. A simple house in a nowhere suburb was valued at a million dollars by a bank and the home-owners second-mortgaged their new-found riches to pay for bigger houses and huge TV screen. fighting two wars at the same time and cutting taxes for the rich evaporate this ocean of money and Americans found themselves in a deep hole.
GW Bush was out of office and the GOP blamed the new president for the massive deficit. Voters listened to the talking heads on CNN and FOX-News. Big government had stolen their American Dream and the Democrats paid the price in the last election. The GOP grabbed control on Congress and the power-drunk newbies have been pushing their middle-of-the-road compatriots for drastic cuts in the federal budget.
$4 trillion in the next decade coming from the Medicare and Medicaid health programs according to Rep. Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee. He also proposed to cut taxes for businesses without offering any explanation why General Electric not only paid no taxes last year, but actually received a welfare bonus from the government.
There's only one way this plan will play out for the common man.
Less benefits and the same amount of taxes.
The sun will rise tomorrow no matter, if the GOP resurrect voodoo economics.
We will be there.
And one day we will awake.
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