Last Friday started with snow. I woke early since I had a schlepping job at the UN. My friend Eric was filming the first march against Violence toward Women from the General Assembly to the small park on 47th Street. I arrived at his place at 9. Eric drove his van down to the Lower East Side to pick up the other cameraman. The streets were thick with slush, as the snow changed to rain. At Dag Dag Hammarskjold Plaza I got us a spot before the stage. It was cold and I wasn't feeling well. Thankfully the march arrived on time and the speakers were short-winders. The work day was finished by 4, but Eric, the other cameraman, and I went to 169 Lounge on East Broadway for drinks. I got home around 10.
The next two days I slept the sleep of the dead.
It's Monday morning.
I'm back to normal.
It takes longer in the second half of your century on Earth.
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