This morning the GOP Congressional reps refused to finance the US government and the federal bureaus of America shut down one by one.
No national parks or museums. 800,000 workers will go on furlough, although the nation's 1.4 million active-duty uniformed military personnel will stay on duty.
The National Nuclear Security Administration will be down to less that 400 employees controlling the nation's nuclear weapons and naval reactor programs, but traffic controllers are at their desks. Homeland Security will be down 20% and the Justice Department will be at 20% capacity, while the fucking DEA will be close to full strength, including their dirty snitch bastards. Federal prison employees are expected at work without any guarantee of pay.
The post office and Amtrak, which are self-funded, will remain open.
Day 1 of US anarchy is coming to an end.
I see no burning buildings or crashing planes.
Lights illuminate the Brooklyn skyline.
All is good from the Fort Greene Observatory, but have a listen to Motley Crue's ANARCHY IN THE USA
At this URL
It's all good and break as many federal laws as you can.
It's your duty as a freedom loving American.
The first is to stop paying federal taxes.
No performance. No pay.
Simple, n'est pas?
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