Nightclub raconteur Steve Lewis wrote on Blackbook.com that the NYPD harassment of the nightclub GREENHOUSE appeared to be blatant racism.
That certainly seems to be the case.
The police hate nightclubs, because they don't get payoffs like the 'good ole days' unless they put pressure on the joint and then the 'bagman' comes to make an arrangement.
Back at the Jefferson the local mob visited the after-hour club and asked for the management.
I asked if they were there to provide 'protection'.
They said 'yeah'.
I told them we have a problem.
"See those guys over there. If you can make them leave, then will take care of you."
"Who are they?"
"The 9th precinct."
The gangster left without a word.
There was no racism involved in that incident.
Only corruption.
Those were the gold ole days indeed.
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