Monday, August 3, 2015

Camera Hog From St. Landry's Parish LA

Cops like playing tough and cop whores love fucking tough cops. White men fantasize about tough cops protect them from the chaos of anarchy and few cops act tougher than Louisiana St. Landry's Lt. Clay Higgins. His videos on enforcing the law in Cajun country have gone viral on Youtube and even TV's Jimmie Fallon has exclaimed that the ex-Army veteran should run for president on the basis of his weekly Crime Stoppers, which has earned him the moniker the Cajun John Wayne.

On April 9 Higgins peered into the camera to inform Ladarious Young to turn himself in to “start to make things right. You can’t run from your own guilt, son. You can’t hide from what you’ve done, and you’ll never escape … the long arm of the law."

The next day Ladarious Young surrendered himself to the sheriff for various crimes around the parish.

This all sounds good, except St. Landry's has the 7th highest crime rate in the USA. Landry's no joke. He protects the people of his parish working the night shift on his lonesome.

His biggest video hit comes from his response to a burglary of his favorite eating establishment, Stelly’s Supermarket in the tiny town of Lebeau, La., the scene of a recent burglary.

“The sheriff likes Stelly’s restaurant, and so do I. The food here is good, and the folks are friendly. We are going to identify you, arrest you and put you in a small cell. After that I’m going to have a cheeseburger here with fries and a Coke and leave a nice tip for the waitress.” He steps forward to threaten the perp, “Meanwhile your next meal will be served through a small hole in a cell door.”

The criminal has yet to be apprehended and while his rants are a good act, I suggest that he might be better spending more time behind the wheel of his cruiser than in front of a camera, then again Lt. Landry works the night shift and that's the witching hour everywhere in the world.

Roll safe and be just.

To see Lt. Higgins' video, please go to the following URL;

ps as an atheist I'm glad someone stole from the church.

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