Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cassavates' HUSBANDS

Movies were more than movies in the 1970s. Producers and directors sought to change the audience with films about life rather than escapism. John Cassavetes was the king of American realism and in 1970 released HUSBANDS about three suburban family men waking their dead friend with a Manhattan drinking bout. Upon their return to their houses one of them fights with his wife and the three flee to London to continue the funeral bash. A night with three women turns out wrong. Two men fly back to New York, but one stays behind. He was the one I liked best.

Strangely I saw HUSBANDS at the Neponset drive-in on a double-bill with KELLYS HEROES.

As I said the 70s were a different time.

Here's the race scene from Husbands

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