Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanks For The F-35

On Thanksgiving Donald Trump touted the capability of the F-35 jet fighter to a holiday gathering of the Coast Guard.

"Amazing job, and amazing job. So amazing that we're ordering hundreds of millions of dollars of new airplanes for the Air Force, especially the F-35. Do you like the F-35? I said how does it do it in fights, and how do they do in fights with the F-35. He says we do very well, you can't see it. Literally you can't see. It's hard to fight a plane you can't see right? But that's an expensive plane you can't see. And as you probably heard we cut the price very substantially, something other administrations would never have done, that I can tell you."



I doubt it and the F-35 can't even compete with the old F-16, but its production seems unstoppable.

$1 trillion for a plane that can't provide oxygen to the pilots.

A deal for all involved parties.

ps I can't imagine what use the Coast Guard have for a F-35.

LSD Letter

Back in the day we flew into the sky.

Letter by Eric W.

Monday, November 20, 2017

You Bet I Would - The Ritz In Paris

Hotels in Paris are very sexy.

Especially with naked models in the lobby.

Kristen McMenamy, Ritz Paris, 1993

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Azzadine Alaia Ride The Stars

Azzadine Alaia was born in Tunis, Tunisia, an ancient city dating back to Carthage.

His family were wheat farmers, but his glamorous older sister nurtured his love of fashion and his mother's friend gave the young man VOGUE magazine.

Elegance extraordinaire.

After studying at Tunis' École des Beaux-Arts Azzadine lied about his age and migrated to Paris, the City of Light, where he was hired to be a tailleur at Christian Dior, because he was an Arab.

When the Algerian War broke out, Azzadine was let go.

"When I was growing up, I never heard the word 'racism.' It was only in Paris I encountered that."

He moved to Guy LaRoche and then onto Thierry Mugler after which he opened his line at his tiny apartment of Rue de Bellechasse.

Within his rooms he dressed the elite and the beautiful.

Marie-Hélène de Rothschild.

Louise Lévêque de Vilmorin.

And the reclusive Greta Garbo.

They rightly loved his sober hue and simple lines.

The diminutive designer was their secret weapon.

Ever the perfectionist.

As he said about another designer, "Karl Lagerfeld never touched a pair of scissors in his life."

Azzadine knew how to snip like a surgeon to frame a woman's body for beauty.

His name was murmured in the 1970s.

People discovered his work.

And they knew his dog.

Patapouf, le etoile de mode.

Le Super Punk.

"I put myself on the same level as everyone else around me - from the directrice to the workman, everyone. Except my pets - they are the Kings; you must treat them like royalty."

I moved to Paris in 1982 to be the physionomiste at the Bains-Douches .

The previous doorperson, Farida, had upgrade her life by haring her statuesque Levantine beauty at Azzedine's larger atelier off the Marais.

As did my good friend, Christine Bergstrum.

The exotic Marpessa.

And the lovely Candida.

A grace d'elle I was invited to dinners at the Rue du Parc-Royal.

Laughter, freidns, good food, the dogs, and the Napoleon de la mode.

It was the best of times and Azzadine voyaged into the heavens after French Vogue honored his genius.

He was a star.

"There is a sensuality about fabric. I think all materials should be inviting when they touch the skin. When I watch children stroking their mother's clothes, I feel that I have succeeded."

"My obsession is to make women beautiful. When you create with that in mind, things can't go out of fashion."

"Fashion will last forever. It will exist always. It will exist in its own way in each era."

After the death of his sister Azzadine retreated from the limelight.

He served his public at his atelier.

I guess he was more comfortable there.

"I would rather die than see my face in a car advertisement."

I feel the way way too and salute the grand master.

I did not know him well, but as a physionomiste I recognized his soul.

Azzedine shared his smile with the world a good smile and for me that says it all.

Bon Voyage, Mssr. Alaia.

You ride with the stars.

Judge Lest You Not Be Judged

In April of 2017 Alabama's Supreme Justice resigned from the bench after suspension by the state's other justice for improprieties while in office. Roy Moore accepted their ruling and declared himself a candidate for the US Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions who had become # 45's Attorney General. The GOP hierarchy supported Luther Strange for the Senate, however Roy Moore beat him in a runoff election.

A staunch Bible Thumper, anti-Gay advocate, Confederate supporter, and has gone so far into the lunatic religious fringe to say that 9/11 was a result of America's break with Christianity.

Alabama is deep Bible Belt.

God, thoughts, and prayers are the cure for any woe. Roy Moore is their choice. A Man of God.

Two weeks ago the New York Times published an article accusing the potential senator of having had sex with five underaged girls while he was the chief prosecutor in Etowah County, Ala.

The girls ranged in age from 14 to 17.

Moore at the time was in his thirties.

The ex-justice denied all the accusations and has rejected any and all interviews about the matter.

Mainstream Republicans have called for his withdrawal from the Senate race, but many Alabamans are of a different mind.

One pastor said that women are the predators and another informed the press that Mary was 14 when she had Jesus without adding that the Blessed Mother was supposedly a virgin.

Alabama GOP office holders have come out in support of Roy Moore and the Governor has vowed to vote for the man, but Trump has remained silent on the issue.

# 45 has been accused more than once about sexual misconduct.

The people of Alabama deserve better, but the age of consent in that Dixie state is 16.

In the 19th Century it was 10 or 12, except for Delaware which had set its bar at 7.

And everyone wonders why men are the way they are.

Because they control the lives of women.

From birth to death.

The Democrats aren't much better.

Still they aren't as bad as the GOP.

Vote for Doug Jones, a former United States Attorney.

It's time for a change.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Curse Of Sir Grope-A-Lot

This October Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was out as a sexual predator. Actresses had complained about constant harassment during castings and groping on the sets, however their agents and fellow actors persuaded the victims that a formal accusation was not in their best interests. His behavior went with the territory of the Sunset Strip.

Finally the women had had enough and an article appeared in the New York Times and New Yorker published articles outlining his crimes against women. His company ousted him as chairman and his cohorts were also canned for either not acting on the sexual harassment charges or being part of his entourage.

Harassment complaints were followed by accounts of rape and the LAPD began a long overdue investigation into the accusations, but Harvey Weinstein was not alone.

Kevin Spacey, director James Toback, and Ben Affleck covered Hollywood.

Senator Al Franken acted in a totally unbecoming manner.

President George Bush was filmed slipping his hand up a reporter's dress, while he was in a wheelchair.

Comedian Louie CK was also accused by a number of women.

The list went on and on.

I had to ask myself, if I had harassed a woman.

Not in recent history, since I have been faithful to both my wives for sixteen years, but there was a time when I was also a bad man and I am sorry.

Mea Culpa.

Mea Maxima Culpa.

Es Tut mir lied.


Kor Thot.

I shall try and be a good man to women.

I promise.

Big Balls of Long John Silver

The 1991 Supreme Court Nomination hearing for Clarence Thomas was controversialized by the accusations of sexual harassment by a law professor, Anita Hill. She testified before the Senate committee that the appointee had repeatedly asked her out of a date, spoken about porno films in graphic detail, and declared his penis was the same length and girth of the infamous porn actor, Long John Silver.

"He spoke about acts that he had seen in pornographic films involving such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes....On several occasions, Thomas told me graphically of his own sexual prowess."

Clarence Thomas denied the allegations and the Senate confirmed his seat to the court of last appeal 52-48. The smallest margin ever, however 19 years later Clarence Thomas' activist wife has phoned Anita Hill to demanded a belated apology for conducting a 'high-tech lynching'.

7:30 am.

“Good morning Anita Hill, it’s Ginni Thomas. I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband. So give it some thought. And certainly pray about this and hope that one day you will help us understand why you did what you did. O.K., have a good day.”

Anita Hill was flabbergasted by the call after realizing it wasn't a prank.

Just a call from a cranky white lady with nothing to do in the morning while her husband mentally prepared himself for the court by fast-forwarding through his extensive porno collection. Clarence Thomas has proven himself a friend to pornography time and time again while on the court.

In 1959 Justice Potter Stewart said about obscenity, "''I can't define it, but I know it when I see it."

Anita knew sexual harassment when she experienced it too and rightfully refused to offer an apology to the nominee.

The Congress confirmed Clarence Thomas with a vote of 52 to 48 the eight Democrats from Dixie and the Bible Belt broke from the party line.

They were all men.

YOU BET I WOULD by Peter Nolan Smith

During our 2009 trip through the American Midlands filming Barry Flanagan statues Brock Dundee and I detoured from our route to meet Colonel Rockford Ret. in Iowa City. The three of us began the evening at a sports bar. The bartender had just returned from his third tour in Iraq. We toasted his return with tequila shots. After the third Cuevo Gold Brock Dundee, Rockford, and I stepped outside to smoke a cigarette.

A trio of Bud Lite drinkers were disparaging the President in the alley.

"I don't know how we elected a nigger."

The fattest was leading the hate parade. He looked like he had played second-string linebacker in high school, but this fat boy hadn't touched his toes in years. I clenched my fists. I hadn't seen my family in months. Thailand was on the other side of the world. I was not in a good mood.

"Don't start anything." Rockford grabbed my arm. He was still a hippie. "It's not the place."

"Assholes." I glared at the trio. I was more a punk and repeated the word louder.

This time they had heard me and turned to face us.

"What your problem?" asked the fat boy's friend. His head was shaven to the bone and his body had been morphed into a smaller steroid version of a WWF wrestling wannabe.

"That's no way to talk about the president."

"And why not?"

"John Wayne said it best about JFK," interjected Rockford, whose favorite westerns were EASY RIDER and OLE YELLER.

"And what was that?"

"I didn't vote for him, but he is my president." Brock beat Rockford to the quote, then added, "I might not be American, but I do like John Wayne."

The three of us traded opinions about our favorite John Wayne films. I picked TRUE GRIT and as a director Brock classically voted for John Ford's THE SEARCHERS, while Brock surprised us with his choice.

"WE WERE EXPENDABLE. It's set in the Philippines. A PT boat crew trying to escape the Japs." The old appellations lived long in Iowa.

I watched the three conservatives bunch together like they were discussing a stratagem, then the fat one ranted about having a black Muslim communist illegal alien as president. I clenched my fists, but remembered that I was passing through Iowa City. Tomorrow I would be hundreds of miles away.

I stubbed out my cigarette and walked toward the entrance to the bar. The skinniest of the three was feeling his oats and loudly told to his friends, "This country was founded on Conservative values; church, family, and flag."

"That's it." I stormed over and pointed my finger in his face.

"This country was founded on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, so shut the fuck up about 'Conservative values'."

"I can say anything____" The butch muscle boy started to say.

"Do yourself a favor and shut your piehole and I don't want to hear any muttering behind my back either."

I strode inside the bar and ordered a Stella. Brock and Rockford joined me two seconds later. I looked out the door. The three locals were gone from the alley.

"Fuck them."

>"What happened to the Freedom of Speech?" Colonel Rockford was a firm believer in speaking his mind.

"Fuck the Freedom of Speech. It's an amendment to the Constitution." I was more than angry after eight years of hearing Conservatives bullshit about family values. "I'll say what I want and I'll tell anyone to shut up when I want too. That's my Freedom of Speech."

"I don't think that phrasing was guaranteed by the Constitution." Brock politely said and then continued, "And to be truthful this country is very conservative. Look at what happened to your Senator Gary Hart in 1988."

"Gary Hart?" I hadn't thought about the Colorado senator in years.

"Yes, he was the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in the 1988 election." My British friend's erudite tones had nearby drinkers listening to his every word. "Right up to the moment when the Miami Herald published photos of Donna Rice sitting on his lap."

"On the yacht MONKEY BUSINESS." Colonel Rockford had a good memory for a man in his early-60s.

"Aptly named. The Senator denied there was an 'hanky-panky'. Even his wife said the relationship was innocent."

"The wife is always the last to know." Colonel Rockford signaled the bartender for three more tequilas.

"His poll rankings sunk to the point where he only received 4000 votes in the New Hampshire primary, but if he had said, "Sure I screwed Donna and so would you all, Gary Hart would have received every male and free love vote in America, because people here and in the rest of the world are sinners. Not Conservative, but fun-loving happiness seekers. But no one likes a liar other than those people who don't want to look at themselves in a mirror."

We picked up our shots and Brock said, "America may be Conservative, but most Americans thought that Gary Hart's indiscretion had little to do with his ability to be president."

"And they got Dukakis to run against Bush." I remembered the photo of Dukakis' head sticking out of a tank like a turtle, then again he would have looked just as silly with Donna Rice on his lap.

"Now that was one unsexy guy." Colonel Rockford shivered with the memory of that election. "I voted Communist that year. Gus Hall I think. And he was even more unsexy. You're right, Brock. All Gary Hart had to have done was say, "I fucked her and so would you." and he would have been president."

"Who was Donna Rice," the bartender asked with interest.

"She was a hot blonde."

Unlike John Wayne movies the three of us were in complete agreement on that subject.

And agreeing with your friends was the beauty of Free Speech.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Killer Shine

A flatlander was driving down a road back in the hills when a hillbilly stepped out into the road and leveled his rifle at him.

The flatlander stopped and the hillbilly motioned him out of the car. Then he handed the rube a jug and said, "Drink it." The man tried to refuse but the hillbilly aimed his gun at him and said, "Drink it!"

The flatlander took a swallow and collasped on the gound choking. When he finally rose to his feet the hillbilly handed him the gun and said, "Now you hold the gun on me while I drink it."

You Bet I Would # 4

A little white trash with that lap dance?

She ain't no cheerleader.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

RV Cemetery

Okeechobee is a prisoner to the US Army Corp of Engineers and the expanse of water is encircled by a 40-foot dike. The lake is never visible from the road. To see the inland sea you have to climb the earthen works.

Nature harnessed for the business and pleasure of Man.

Despite this barrier Okeechobee attracts RV tourists from around America, although judging from the number of rusting RVs and dilapidated house trailers in the RV parks, this town on US 441 and 98 is the final resting place for these houses on wheels.

"They come in all gleaming."

The lady bartender at the Gator Hole had seen hundreds of RVs pull into the campsites. "The people think this ain't so bad. fishing, boating, cheap beer. They die. The RVs are possessed by the RV camps. No one wants them. They rust into the ground."

Remember man dust to rust for RVs and all things metal except in outer space.

RIP for all them RVs

2008 Peter Nolan Smith

I saw on in a parking lot for $9000.

I wish I could have transported it to Thailand.

Instant house for 270,000 baht.

Siam or Thailand?

Pattaya is not in Siam but Thailand.


Supposedly military-backed government was scared Burma might invade Siam and sent new maps to Rangoon with Thailand instead of Siam. The generals figured the Burmese would think that Siam had vanished from the face of the planet, eliminating the need for war anymore and to be truthful Burma hasn't invaded Thailand since the change.

Some countries change their names. For example, in 1935 the country hitherto ubiquitously known as Persia pronounced itself henceforth to be called Iran. A more recent case of a country announcing that it wished to be known under a new name was when, in 1989, Burma became Myanmar _ a change that was not accepted by some countries such as the United States, because most Americans couldn't pronounce Myanmar.

Such name changes are usually not made lightly, but the reasons for making a change may be symbolic to announce the beginning of a new era, however more often the renaming of a country marks a quite complex ideological statement.

Why was the name Siam abandoned?

One argument is that the name Siam was imposed upon the Thais by foreigners; that the word ''Siam'' did not promote the supremacy of the majority of the nation.

The situation where foreigners use another name than that used by by the native people i and by a quite different name by people not living there is by no means unusual, and generally, when no offence is meant with the foreign appellation, no offense is taken.

In Europe, for example, there are people who call their country Suomi, when outsiders call it Finland. The Germans are from Deutschland, which is quite different from the word Germany, used by English-speaking people, or Allemagne in French. The French, in turn, have no problem when Germans use the term Frankreich.

In the same way, up to 1939 the Thais were not only used to the fact that farangs called their country Siam, they were not in the least offended by this and themselves proudly used it when dealing with outsiders.

When people referred to their own country in the Siamese language, various combinations of words were used. The oldest expression describing the whole country was Mueang Thai, already accounted for in the 17th century by the French ambassador Simon de La Loubere.

Other commonly used names of the country in the Thai language were: Krung Thai, Prathet Thai, Krung Siam and Prathet Siam. The word ''krung'' must be seen as somewhat more formal than ''mueang,'' and the word ''prathet'' derived from Sanskrit being the superlative of the words for ''country.''

On bilingual coins, banknotes, stamps, seals and letterheads prior to 1939 we find usually in European characters simply the word Siam, while in Thai characters the word was spelled Sayam, or one of the five indigenous options mentioned above was used.

In formal state documents the name of the country could be couched in even more elaborate compounds, stringing together a whole series of honourable, pleasant-sounding words describing the wealth, extent and power of the realm.

King Mongkut (r. 1851-1868) is well known as being most sensitive towards the proper use of the Thai language. How pleased he was with the word Siam is clear by his frequent use of it. Thus he called the country that he ruled Prathet Siam. When he signed international agreements he wrote after his name Rex Siamensis (and not Rex Thai). He called the deity protecting the state: Phra Siam Thewathirat, or ''Lord Protector of Siam.'' In early issues of 19th century coins the country is at first called Krung Siam, then Siam Ratchananachak (the Realm of Siam) and finally Rat Siam (Siam State). On stamps the words Krung Siam proudly served for about 50 years until October 1939, when the law proposing the name change was signed by the regent and thus became effective.

What was the real reason for changing the name in 1939?

The Siamese government's announcement of a change in the country's name was published on the seventh anniversary of the overthrow of absolute monarchy, on June 24, 1939.

As for the official reason for making the change, the announcement blithely mentioned that the people preferred the word ''Thai'' to the word ''Siam.'' Like many official statements appearing at that time, this was pure government propaganda, not really reflecting the will of the people. The government of that time believed in a strong leadership, rather as educator of the people, guiding them in turbulent times, making decisions in what it believed to be their interests. No opinion poll had been consulted and the discussion of the matter just prior to it becoming law in October 1939 was by no means an endorsement.

As far as we can see from letters to the editor, at least some spokesmen for ''the people'' were by no means pleased with the new construct. Particularly the word ''Thailand'' caused critics to raise their voice.

In order to examine what really motivated the government to make the change of name, let us quickly note the situation prior to 1939.

Why did the Phibun government in 1939 announce that the people preferred the word ''Thai''?

In order to understand the measure, it is necessary to consider the situation two months prior to Germany's invasion of Poland and the outbreak of World War Two.

The Thai government was aware of the tense international situation, but saw the distinct possibility that a major armed conflict would result in a dramatic weakening of European powers.

Japan was engaged in a vicious war in China, and a dramatic weakening of the French and British positions in Southeast Asia would result in the possibility of a reordering of Asian borders.

Such a rearrangement, it was felt in government circles, could greatly benefit the Siamese nation for two reasons.

The first was the feeling that during the past 80 years much territory had been lost to the colonial powers. The second was the newly gained knowledge of vast numbers of close relatives living beyond the borders.

As for the first reason, during the period between 1867 and 1907, in a series of treaties with Britain and France, Siam had ceded traditional rights over vast territories, agreeing to withdraw its borders to those it holds at present.

Historians such as Thongchai Winichakul have pointed out that these outer regions had only been part of a sphere of influence that waxed or waned with the relative power of the central region, and that territory that was far away from the capital often usually was not ruled directly.

Nevertheless, in the 1920s and 1930s there was a growing feeling in Siam that the country had been served very badly in the confrontations with neighbouring colonial powers.

Particularly the French were singled out as having enriched their colonial empire at Siam's cost, beginning with the declaration of Cambodia to be a French protectorate in 1867, followed by the annexation of Laos in 1893, the loss of territories on the right bank of the Mekong River in 1904, and finally the loss of three provinces to Cambodia in 1907.

Similarly, the British had gained four provinces in the Malay Peninsula at Siam's cost. The painful loss of large territories was openly deplored and school maps were distributed showing the extent of territorial losses.

As for the second reason, reports of millions of people living in areas adjacent to Siam who spoke languages closely related to Thai had been given wide publicity. It had not escaped the Siamese government's notice that Italy had succeeded after World War One to take possession of parts of its ''irredenta''. Even more spectacular, in Germany a very effective propaganda had succeeded in movements to ''assist'' or ''liberate'' German-speaking minorities beyond German borders, of which the merging with Austria in March 1938 had resulted in a spectacular redrawing of the map of Europe.

Luang Vichit Vadhakarn, who headed the Department of Fine Arts, was the chief proponent of the change of name. Judith Stowe in her book Siam Becomes Thailand has described how Luang Vichit claimed that the Thais comprised not only the 13 million within the country, but also a further 23 million scattered through southern China, French Indo-China and British Burma. To unite them all and focus their loyalty, Luang Vichit asserted that the name of the country had to be changed.

Contemporary observers also pointed out that the change of name was not simply a rejection of a name that had been imposed by foreigners, it was at the same time a preparation for the Thai to assume a leading role among all Thai peoples.

The former British ambassador Sir Josiah Crosby also clearly identified the underlying reason why Phibun's government decided to change the word Siam to Thailand. Crosby stated: ''The fact that the official change of nomenclature should have been made in coincidence with the launching of the Pan-Thai movement may be interpreted not unfairly as the indication of a desire to familiarise outsiders with the claim of Siam to be regarded as the mother-country of all peoples of Thai race.''

Typical for the thinking of the 1930s and early '40s, it did not occur to the proponents of a larger united land of all Thai peoples to ask themselves whether or not the peoples speaking related languages were interested in joining such a new venture, nor whether they were willing to accept Bangkok's rule.

Nevertheless, a growing number of Thais could be forgiven for dreaming of a much larger country, one including northern Burma, parts of southern China, Laos, large parts of Indochina and major extensions on the Malay Peninsula.

The dream of more than doubling their territory, at first a murmur with the weakening of the colonial powers and China, became a distinct possibility, a scenario whereby a subtle, clever leadership should be quick to act when opportunity would present itself.

Premier Phibun was just the man for this difficult task, a master at playing off _ telling the British the Thais would remain neutral at all costs while at the same time secretly manoeuvring towards a pact with the Japanese.

It was in this situation, inspired by a mixture of nationalistic and irredentalist motivations that the name change of 1939 took place.

When Luang Vichit Vadhakarn proposed the idea of a name change for the country, this triggered a lively debate. It was by no means clear what should be chosen. In editorials and letters to the editor, some passionately wished to retain the old name.

Those who saw grounds for change were divided on whether to choose ''Mueang Thai'' or ''Prathet Thai.'' Phibun was at first inclined to choose the latter, but he was aware that most Europeans would not easily take to the new name.

Apparently, on June 23, merely one day prior to the formal announcement the Phibun government decided to choose a compromise and coined the word ''Thailand.''

Crosby's overall advice in 1945 regarding the country's name was that because of the heritage of chauvinism surrounding the change, it would be desirable that the words ''Siam'' and ''Siamese'' should again be employed.

Throughout the past 60 years, there have been a number of intellectuals who are in agreement with Crosby.

In recent times, as a result of dramatic political changes, many almost forgotten names have been resurrected. After almost a century of being Leningrad, the time-honoured St Petersburg was re-installed.

The name Siam never died out, it being irrevocably linked with Siamese twins and Siamese cats.

Should a Thai government ever wish to indicate the beginning of a new era, it could hardly find a more effective symbol than a re-investiture of the old name.

Few westerners know that the Rhodesia old national anthem was Jim Croce's BIG BAD LEROY BROWN.

None know Zimbabwe's theme song.

For a related article click on this URL

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Freedom For The Finger

Last week a female bicyclist flipped Trump the finger, as # 45's cavalcade exited from his Virginia golf course.

The photo hit the internet and soared to millions of hits. Jill Briskmam told the media, "“He was passing by and my blood just started to boil. I’m thinking Daca recipients are getting kicked out. He pulled ads for open enrollment in Obamacare. Only one third of Puerto Rico has power. I’m thinking, he’s at the damn golf course again. I flipped off the motorcade a number of times.”

Her bosses at a defense contractor fired the marketing and communications specialist for defaming Akima's name. The mother of two was denied her constitutional Freedom of Speech, since the State of Virginia allows private companies to fire employees 'at will'.

Ms. Briskman regrets nothing.

We are all free to act upon our conscience.

Give himthe finger any time someone mentions his name.

Grace would.

It's your right as an American and citizens of the world join us.

4Q Trump.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Cost Of The F-35

Back in 2012 Steven Harper's Conservative government in Canada announced the rise of the national retirement age from 65 to 67.

Several days later the Canadian Defense Ministry confirmed the purchase of thirty-five F-35 Strike Fighters at $50 million per plane.

The Trudeau regime has yet to rescind this order, despite the F-35's unflyablitity and manufacturing overruns.

War is good business for the Pentagon, however this economic supremacy comes with a steep cost to the American public.

Back in 2012 SHARE THE WORLD RESOURCES calculated the cost of each plane as the following;

128,205,128 Meals For Starving People.
57,525 Clean Water Wells.
1,572,327 Adult Cataract Operations. Restoring sight to the blind.
14,285,714 Blankets for refugees. In emergencies, families often leave home with only the clothes they are wearing. Blankets give essential protection from the chilling cold.
5,347,594 Mosquito Nets. Two million people die every year from malaria, most are children under five.
1,573,317 Child Immunisations. Protect a child from the six childhood killer diseases - diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, polio, tetanus and tuberculosis. A gift of life every child must have.
35,666 Houses for family's currently living in cramped, unsanitary and dangerous conditions.
13,510 Schools Furnished with desks, chairs, tables, blackboards - vital things children need to build a foundation for learning.
2,675,227 Children supplied with school books for a whole year.
50,000 Landmines removed from the ground.
193,836 Adult Literary Classes.
151,515 World Response Medicine Boxes. Each containing essential medicines to treat the most common diseases for a community of one thousand people for approximately three months.
5,347,594 Fruit trees planted. Providing a giant boost to the diet and health of a poor family.
4,456,328 Fishing Nets. Give a man, woman or child a fishing net and they - and their families - will have a source of food.
2,057,613 Nanny Goats. Milk, cheese and kids. Families in places like Bangladesh can earn a living by starting a small goat-herding business.
1,783,167 Chickens. Eggs mean protein - vital for every diet. Three chickens can produce enough eggs to feed a whole family. They'll produce baby chicks too.
4,456,328 Training courses for a health worker. Providing a local health worker basic skills on how to treat, prevent and stop the spread of the most common life-threatening diseases.
1,273,885 Childrens School Desk and School Supplies. For children who have no place to sit, study and read this gives one child a desk with pencils, pens and books.
193,836 Wheelchairs. For a disabled child, a wheelchair can be the ticket to freedom and education.
71,523 Vocational Scholarships. One year programme helps young people learn a trade and gives them the vocational and technical training they need to improve their future.
4,456,328 Water Filters. Poor families in places like Cambodia, have no choice but to drink water full of bacteria and parasites. Water filters saves lives by screening out small but deadly bugs.
764,292 Bicycles for a child to get to school every day.
5,000,000,000 Chlorine Tablets to make water safe to drink.

My calculation are more based on happiness.

One F-35 Strike Fighter costs the same as two million 24-ounce Modelo Beers.

Times thirty-five jets and I could buy enough beer to get the adult and teenage population of Canada drunk for two days.

Hawks would disapprove of such a wastrel expenditure of money, but who are the Canadians going to fight.

The USA?



So bombs or beer?

I know my choice is easy; beers for all my Canuck friends.

ps to calculate further costs of war please go to the following URL

Monday, November 6, 2017

The Failure Of Flight

The Wright Brothers achieved flight in 1908 and ever since the military has sought to bring death from above.

The Nuiport 23, Sopwith Camel, and Fokker triplane ruled the air over the trenches of the Western Front.

In World II the Messerschmitt Bf and dominated the early going, but the Supermarine Spitfire XVI and the P-47 Thunderbolt broke the Nazis stranglehold of the sky, while the P-47 Thunderbolt gained superiority after the Battle of Midway.

Jets superseded the prop fighters with the USSR and USA seeking an edge in deadly efficiency.

Mig versus Sabre.

F-16 versus Mig 29.

Each was capable of mayhem.

The Pentagon sought a fighter to serve all the services for the next fifty years and promoted the f-35 as the greatest fighter of all time.

$100 billion has been spent on the project.

Two years of free university for every student in the system, but America's real business is war and the Pentagon can't see a future with the F-35

Only one problem.

According to the F-35 can't beat the F-16.

Its Sleath system isn't 100% and the Dream fight can't compete with its main rival, the Russia’s Sukhoi Su-35S.

But failure has never stop the Pentagon.

The finall bil will be in the trillions.





Church Tithes Of Bullets

Two days ago Devin Kelley walked into the Sunday service at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs. He was dressed in black military gear and opened fire with an automatic rifle, killing 26 and wounding 19, which was 10% of the small town's population.

After the massacre the lone gunman exited from the place of worship. A neighbor shot Kelley with a rifle. He escaped in an SUV, chased by the neighbor and a friend. Kelley crashed his vehicle and died either at his own hands or from another shot by the neighbor.

# 45 was in Japan playing golf with the Prime Minister. Trump called the incident a tragedy caused by mental illness and added that the shooting had nothing to do with guns.

Once more the GOP sent their thoughts and prayers to the victims' families.

The NRA quickly denied any and all responsibility for the killings with the old adage, "Guns do not kill people. People kill people." and the 5% Alt-Right condemned Kelley as a member of the Anti-Fascist League, citing four atheism websites on the shooter's Facebook page.

A close inspection of the young man's history revealed a year-long bid in a military prison for spousal abuse and a caustic relationship with his wife's family.

One of the dead was her grandmother.

Charles Whitman committed the first mass shooting in Texas. Devin Kelley achieved the greatest number of dead.

It will not be the last.

Some people suggested that it was time for the church deacons to carry guns to services.

God, guns, and Texas.


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Global Warming Warning On The River Kwai

Ten years ago my wife, daughter, dog, and I toured the River Kwai. The deforested mountains sported plumes of smoke from where farmers burned the slopes to cut back vegetation for orchards. When I mentioned this violation to the rangers at the forestry station, they shrugged with ineffectiveness. "Mai mi alai samlat yut fi mai."

They had no way to stop the fires and neither did I.

Most of the trees in Thailand have been chopped down to provide the world with soft toilet paper.

Same in Laos and Cambodia.

Most amazing was how quick a couple of guys with chain saws can clear a forest balder than Yul Brenner.

100 years ago the same thing happened in the Adirondacks and northern Maine. Millions of trees were replaced by a stump tundra, yet now 90% of those ravaged lands are forest. Maybe the same resurgence of woodlands will happen here. I doubt it, especially if the Chinese discover Charmin' toilet rolls.

A billion bums in need of pampering takes a lot of paper.

Especially if they're fat Chinese.

Obesity being a sign of wealth in the Land of ex-Mao.

Same as the USA.

The best thing about our trip was that my dog Champoo took a dump on the Bridge over the River Kwai.

Didn't wipe her ass afterwards either and I pretended she was someone else's dog.

"Who's dog is that?"

Bot mine.

He belonged to no one.

She was free.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Peeping Tom ala Pattaya

Voyeurism is the ageless fascination for an unseen spectator to view a person performing a natural act, usually sexual. This predilection has ruined some people's lives when they've been caught by the authorities and several years ago in Pattaya an Estonian tourist was discovered taking snapshots of two Chinese women in the toilet.

One of them was fifty.

The 20 year-old screamed and the Estonian broke for freedom. 

Thais took up pursuit and he destroyed his camera, thinking the evidence would be erased, only to have the police process the pictures from the memory chip.

At the police station he confessed to his lewd behavior. The strangest part of this story is that Pattaya is a city in which you can find scores if not hundreds of women willing to pose naked for a price. Like Luis Buunel said, "Without sin there is no pleasure."

Thankfully for the Slavic farang the matter was settled with a cash payment to the offended women and the police warned the Estonian to be a better boy in the future.

The first time I ever saw something I shouldn't was my next door neighbor changing out of her bathing suit. I was ten. It didn't feel like a sin, yet I knew this covert observation wasn't something you were supposed to pursue as a career, unless you were in the CIA and they rejected my application for employemtn in 1980.

Too many red marks for drug use and anti-American sentiment.

Personally I thought I would have been perfect for an undercover operative.

Spying on people is almost second nature.

My apartment on east 10th Street backed onto a schoolyard and across the alley was a performance space for dance. My window looked right into the changing room. Slim girls slipped out of frocks. I even saw my ex-girlfriend Ann in the dressing room. Her I showed some discretion. After all we are friends. Strangers are another thing entirely.

I do like Robbes-Grillet's 1955 novel THE VOYEUR and when I first moved to Pattaya my window overlooked a western woman's bedroom. She masturbated religiously every night. My girlfriend and I watched from our darkened room until we had seen the show too often.

Even sex gets boring unless you change the channel.

The Day After Loy Krathong

Loy Krathong has long been Thailand’s most beautiful festival with candle-lit balloons rising into a night sky illuminated by a full November moon.

Ten years ago I was in Pattaya. Few girls and women dressed in the traditional costume. The police banned fireworks and their marine patrols gathered the krathong offerings less than 20 meters from shore. No one was allowed to light a fire balloon, perhaps the most exotic image to grace a night sky.

Instead drunken Thais and farangs raced cars and motorcycles, as if to tell the water goddess celebrated by the holiday, “Yet mung.”

Angie's mother was up-country. We weren't a thing anymore.

Mam, my love, had broken up with me. She wanted to move on with her life, so I celebrated the romantic holiday with two beers and fell asleep dreaming of times gone when the world still appreciated beauty.

I woke without my traditional holiday hang-over at 7am.

There wasn't much to do on a Sunday, if you’re not reliving Kris Kristofferson's SUNDAY MORNING COMING DOWN.

I got on my motors cooter and drove south to Ban Samae San. The traffic was light. The drunks were sleeping off copious intakes of whiskey.

Arriving at the outskirts of Ban Samae San I avoided the fishing village with its thousands of racks stacked with fish drying in the sun. The smell drowned out any other smell, for there are only two things in the world that smell of fish and one of them is fish.

I rode to the hill temple overlooking the undeveloped offshore islands. Not a single worshippers was in sight. I struck the bells with a wooden mallet and wai-ed my respect to the water goddess. Afterwards I descended to the navy pier. No one was there either.

The morning temperature was about 75, which was good summer day in Maine. I stripped to my shorts and dove off the dock into the crystal clear water. My balls shrunk to peanuts and my penis to a cashew. Only Cialis could revive them to normal size, but I was celibate these days, so I drifted on the current for several hundred meters and then swam back to the pier.

To be truthful it was a struggle.

But the water goddess forgave my year’s excesses, otherwise I’d make the Pattaya Mail as another farang suicide with a photo of me wrapped in a white sheet, but I wasn't ready for that, because even that year I had a lot of living to do.