Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cockroach Holocaust

My old house on Moo 9 in Pattaya had all kinds of birds, butterflies, snakes, and insects. My East Village apartment only had mice and cockroaches. The latter badly infested the tenement flat in 1995 like Israelis taking over Palestine. The management sprayed my place and the old Puerto Rican lady's apartment with a deadly concoction. I couldn't move back into 3E for a week afterwards. The effect of the cockroaches was negligible, then one day they vanished completely from sight. Having been told that cockroaches could survive a nuclear bomb, I became concerned as to the causes of their disappearance.

Had they left to regroup before a full-out assault on my apartment?

Or had something more menacing eradicated them from the urban food chain?

I never go the answer to either question and realized some mysteries are better off unsolved.

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