Tuesday, December 20, 2022

FIFA World Cup Boycott Over


The Winter FIFA Corld Cup of Football ended on Subday with a frenzied finish by France to force a shoot-out won Argentina. My friends called to exclaim how great was the game to whihc I replied, "I boycotted the FIFA cup."

"It 's the greatest game in the world."

"I agree and I haave watched every match in 2010, 2014, and 2014, but not a single one in 2022."

My friends chided my boycott as one man's effort in futility.

"You're not going to change anything."

And they're probably right, however my life as a criminal, poet, and working man has always contradicted the general populace's adherence to the status quo and with more than one good reason about rejecting the FIFA World Cup.

FIFA granted Qatar the rights to the World Cup over Australia after the enire organization had been bribed billions of dollars.

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