Friday, May 23, 2008

Elephant Magic Trick for Thai Love

Elephants have long memories. mostly because they have long lives. I've seen 100 year-old elephants. Not in Africa since poachers killed the pachyrderms for their tusks. You would have thought somewhere along the line these ivory hunters would have invested in an elephant dentist, although I doubt elephants are very tractable for tusk extractions.

Thai elephants are different from Africans.

They are trained to perform certain tasks and are considered good luck.

Even as a fertility blessing for any woman who walks five times under an elephant's belly is sure to give birth within the year, that is if she survives the ritual, because while elephants do have long memories, they aren't the most patient of animals, but it's definitely cheaper than a visit to a fertility clinic.


He never mentions elephants in the couple's search to have a baby.

For a related article click on this URL

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