Free Speech advocates have long regarded pornography as the front line of 1st Amendment, however the Supreme Court re-affirmed its position on a 2003 law designated to curtail kiddie porn, despite the legislation's vague terms on CGI or Computer Generated Images sex might infringe on the 1st Amendment. I surf the web for porn, but agree with Justice Scalia's opinion.
"Child pornography harms and debases the most defenseless of our citizens."
I feel the same way about slasher films and their violence directed at women, although films depicting the brutal murder of women and senseless violence such as NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN are awarded the Oscar.
Murder versus Sex.
Murder wins every time.
The unconstitutionality claim comes from the 11th Court which offered SNOW WHITE as an example of a book possibly portraying children in a sexual manner. Justice Scalia didn't read the classic that way and neither do I. Only two justices dissented with the majority ruling. Figuring like Justice Potter Stewart in the 1973 decision on pornography, "I know pornography when I see it."
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