A young man named Brian is sailing solo around the world. A typhoon catches him in the open waters of the Pacific. His sloop is battered by giant waves. No time for an SOS.
Brian abandons his sinking boat and prays for his life. The heavy seas batter his life raft for hours. He is thrown overboard. Water fills his lung. Death seems certain, only he wakes on the soft sands of a deserted island.
Water, coconuts, fish, and fruit provide life.
A week. A month. Time passes with the rising and setting of the sun. No jets overhead. NO ships on the horizon. No Man Friday. Brian resigns himself to solitude.
A year later an epic typhoon savages the island.
The next morning Brian sees a life raft on the reef. Shark fins break the surface. He swims across the lagoon to discover a woman. Not just any woman. Cindy Crawford. Supermodel. Brian drags the raft through the tumult of the surf. He nurses the famous beauty to health. Little by little she gains her strength. After a month she thanks Brian for saving her life.
"If there's anything I can do let me know. Anything."
Brian thinks about it for a second and says, "No, I did what any human would do for another human."
A week becomes a month. Cindy and Brian are young. Sex is in the air. Brian is handsome. Cindy is a dream come true. Finally one night they make love. Paradise. Eden. Utopia.
In the morning they walk the beach hand in hand.
"You remember saying that you would do anything?" Brian asks Cindy with an almost perverse tone.
"Yes." Cindy had been waiting for this moment for months. All men were alike.
"Did you mean that?" Brian is agitated with anticipation.
"Yes." Cindy was expecting the worse, but Brian had saved her life and she said, "Anything."
Brian pulls out a Red Sox baseball cap and says, "Could you wear this and let me call you Steve? He was my best friend."
"Sure." This was nothing and Cindy put the cap on her head. "Happy?"
"I couldn't be happier." Brian shuts his eyes and says, "Steve, you will never believe who I'm fucking."

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