Tuesday, September 21, 2010

No Pizza Ovens for the Poor

Any traveler over the mountains in Asia or South America will be greeted by the hacking cough of impoverished villagers. The chorus of hacks could easily be mistaken for a plague of tuberculosis, except the underlying cause is smoke inhalation from crude household stoves. Secretary of State Clinton has proposed funding $50 million to combat the 1.9 million deaths from this scourge as well as cut back on the carbon excess in the atmosphere.

Drudgereport.com was quick to report on this suggested donation as a waste of taxpayers' money, even though our contribution was less than any other western nation.

Cold cold hearts.

But no one says a word about $3 billion a year to the welfare state of Israel or the trillion dollars for Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nothing warms the hearts of a hawk more than the killing of infidels.

Man, woman, or child.

The Genghis Khan solution.

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