Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And England Is Burning

The Tories of England came into power on the back of the Murdoch Corporation's hacking campaign against Gordon Brown. They promised the nation as return to fiscal solvency and drastically cut social services across the board. This austerity program was designed to sap the masses to pay for the zombie economics of the banks, Champagne at Cowes Week versus higher costs for education. Caviar at the Groucho Club versus a weakening of the 'cradle to grave' health system. Capitalism triumphant over socialism. The police felt the love and resumed their repressive tactics against the under-class of drug dealers and car thieves.

Last week a flying squad of armed cops stopped a taxi in North London. Shots were fired and one stuck the passenger in the head. Mark Duggan died on the scene. Police were quick to announce that the black youth had been killed during a shoot-out, although the only spent bullets found at the crime site were those fired by the Yardies from Scotland Yard. Murdoch's newspapers accused the deceased of allegedly belonging to a major Jamaican posse. His grieving family reported the opposite.

Before an official report could be issued by HM coroner youths took to the streets of Tottenham to protest the killing. The anger coalesced into rage. The police retreated from the area and the demonstration swiftly transformed into a mob bent on destruction.

Burn the Pizza Hut.

Loot the mall.

Smash windows.

Rob passersby.

A city in flames for the first time since the Blitz.

The newspapers were outraged by the violence and labeled the rioters 'thugs'. The thugs responded to the criticism with another night of he'll-raising. The conflagration spreads to other cities. The Tory PM returned from his Italian vacation to warn the thugs, "There will be aid coming from police forces up and down the country and we will do everything necessary to strengthen and assist those police forces that are meeting this disorder".

16,000 rioter police swarmed the afflicted areas. Rain fell throughout the day. London was quiet.

Other cities we were not so lucky and the British people asked themselves how did this happen.

The two camps were divided between those calling the rioters 'scum' and the others excoriating the government for creating a toxic environment, but I was shocked to read an upper-class matron suggest the following;

"Here is the secret: focus on making sure the elites and upper middles get what they want, and life will improve for all. Focus on pandering to the submerged filth and life will worsen for everyone."

AKA the Trickle Down Theory of economic well-being.

The same policy the GOP had used to throttle the middle class in America.

And the rich wonder why people are mad at them.

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