Monday, August 1, 2011

The Clock Stops Ticking

Hollywood movies love car chases in parking garages, gun ballets, Barbie and Ken love scenes, and ticking clock of doom. The suits in power can produce a film without them. They have no grasp on reality, but people sit in theaters to escape their lives and eat popcorn.

Art tends to imitate life and vice versa as seen in the recent countdown to national debt default in America. The GOP refused to entertain any concessions to tax increases and the White House folded in the face of the rivals' demand to cut social services. The world economies teetered on the brink of disaster, but the stalling from the fanatic right touched the common man, for I watched the dollar shrink 3% against the Thai Baht during the last week.

Leo beer got more expensive.

Russia's ex-president Putin called the USA a parasite. The Chinese were shaking in their copy Adidas. The Middle Kingdom holds trillions of our debt. A dollar meltdown would have cost them hundreds of billions.

The Tea Party representive and senators adamantly resisted any deal with the White House. Their party chairman didn't have the votes to pass any deal. The clock was ticking toward Wednesday, but the collapse was averted by a last-minute agreement to raise the debt ceiling balanced by cutting $2.4 trillion from the budget.

Most of it social services.

$60,000 less for the people and nothing from the rich.

Even then GOP presidential hopefuls Michele Bachman and Milt Romney announced their continued opposition to the plan despite an overwhelming vote to approve the package.

Fucking wankers.

95 Democratic lawmakers thought the same, but for a different reason.

More fucking the people for the sake of the rich.

The fucking will continue in the Senate and the President's signing will officialized the fucking.

The more people say things will change the more the change soudns the same as no change.

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