Friday, October 6, 2023

The Inertia of Despair

THE INERTIA OF DESPAIR Wars Endless Wars Fires burning the sky Fields failing without rain Hunger Disease Millions fleeing horrors From the South North East to West In all directionsof the compass Seeking safety Hoping for something better The news shows blurbs of the chaos. Talking heads of the media spread r Rumors, Lies, u Untruths. Thirty seconds of blather not enough a fifteen second attention span. They tell us paths To nowhere. This is not a world For young or old or in-between. Woody Allen said he can deal with the despair, it's the hope I can't take. An old friend called the other day. Hope had bled from his life Fearful of the predicted doom spin Of the Misery Everywhere. And like everyone in the media-connected world Is alone. I understand. I'm not driving a GTO I'm not rich I live far from my family My children. My old friends are old No one speaks anymore They don't converse. They are hermits. As am I But I reach out. I take care of what I can I help who I can An old hippie I believe in joy A child's smile An autumn rose The scent of the sea Through a car's open window On the BQE Heading to the Rockaways This evening planes fly over Brooklyn Cars motor on Myrtle Avenue A neighborhood Afoot Restaurants full Friends helloing one another A community Of People Of life Hope for the better Poor no rich here We got what we got Enough? Never enough. I am where I am. Clinton Hill. The sun setting to the West. The sky turning cobalt A few stars gleam in the night of the East. I call my friend. I say three words We are us. Whatever is coming is coming And we will live Every second Of every minute of every hour of every day Unlike Woody Allen we still have hope for tomorrow And whatever comes out way. The good the bad and the in-between. Get your motors running Live ps We are coming for your children

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