Monday, January 8, 2024

Not Here Not Now

The changes in humanity sometimes are hard for me to bear both personally and socially. Yesterday a middle-aged man on the A Train to West 4th Street was sitting contentedly sipping a coffeeand regarding his cellphone. whilst I am guilty of the latter, I rarely drink anything on the subway or walking on the street. I loved drinking coffee in Paris cafes and drinking beer or gin-tonics at bars, especially the 169 on East Broadway. So many people on the subway and sidewalks drink some corporate crap and more detach from reality on their cellphones. I'm near-sighted and tried to ignore most people's surrender to the mass consumption suicide, however I was in a resentful mood and decided to snap a shot with my cell. The TG woman beside me had grimaced upon my seating there. I understood her disconcern, but upon seeing my sniper shot she said, "That is so wrong." I swiftly explained my reason about my disdain for consumption and she asked, "And you so innocent?" "No, guilty as charged." i am a fervent practioner of hypocrisy. "What gives you the right to be so negative?" This was getting snarlly and I reproached her, saying, "I don't mind a discussion, but I'm not interested in a levture. I thank you for showing the error of my ways. I should have asked him if I could take the shot." Just as well I should have asked if I could have looked at thepart in her wig or her face. I bid her a good day without any animosity and didn't delete the photo. After all I am hypocrite in the Age of Inhumans. After all I am a Neandertal.

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