Passover is the most important religious holiday on the Jewish Calendar, celebrating the Angel of Death passing over the first-borns of the Hebrew as Yahweh's Holy Annihilator murder the first-born of the Egyptians. This last plague of Moses freed the bonded Hebrews from the Land of the Pharaohs. The actual date is lost to time as is the name of the Pharaoh. Some religious historians date the Biblical tale to the rule of Rhamses II, although no historian from that time recorded the plagues and the story of Moses sounds a lot like the Neo-Assyrian version of the birth of the king Sargon of Akkad in the 24th century BC.
But if Passover is not plagiarism, how to explain the last plague.
The massacre of the first-born.
Possibly the first-born were first given food in the morning and the bread could have been poisoned by a toxin or else died from sleeping too close to the ground as was their privilege and breathed a toxic gas or more plausibly the children were poisoned by the slaves.
Every slave-owners feared that fate,except the Hebrews were never slaves, just workers trying to flee their debts.
Serves you right, but all part of the ruthless God of Israel.
"I'll fuck your eyes out." Exodus 12:11
And people ask why I'm an atheist.
Many reasons.
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