Monday, April 8, 2024

The Speed of Nothing

An ant on my hand
Life or death
My choice I choose to do nothing.

To often we feel obliged to act I choose to do nothing. When the best course of action is inaction

Of course I have upgraded Sloth from the Seven Deadly Sins to a virtue in revenge for astronomers downgrading Pluto from planet status. I rejoice in time drifting to and fro like a gentle eddy of a shallow tide. Even when beset by impending death I never strayed from doing nothing other than succumb to brain fogs. I had no other choice, until a NYU nurse offered me a laxative dispelling the ammonia in my brain. Simple as that the fog lifted in weeks. Still at death's door, but aware of how far and how close. I promised myself to remain true to my devout belief in godlessness and I have kept my word.

Time never moves faster when you look for its passage.

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