Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Da Election 2012

President Obama has been leading America since January 2009. He inherited two unfinanced laws, a tax code exempting the very very rich from a fair share of taxes, and an fractured Congress and Surpreme Court. His term disappointed those that hope for better and satisfied those praying for the worst, yet the Union of 50 States survived those travails. I am pissed at Obama for not withdrawing the troops from GW Bush's invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The President has stuck it to the pro-weed camp and his drones murder suspected combatants in the War on Terror as well as any innocents within two hundred yards of the missile strike. The rich remain rich. The fucking rich and I mean the .00001% hiding amongst the 1%. But today I went down to Brooklyn Tech to wait two hours to cast my vote for a seocnd term by Barack Obama. I have never worried about him losing the election, because no matter how much some white voters don't want a black in the White House, something spooks them out about having a Mormon ruling America. And it ain't about the Magic Pajamas. My prediction: Obama takes Ohio and Pennsylvania, loses in Virginia and Florida, but takes Wisconsin and it's always been about Wisconsin.

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