This weekend The New York Times published a small fluff story about how Switzerland has banned ownership of one guinea pig since they suffer from loneliness. This law is very protective of porkers, however not everyone loves pigs. Seal Beach in Orange Country has banned household pigs, which was directed at the one pet-owner in possession of a 240-pound pig named Bubba.
“We’ve had numerous complaints from citizens in the area about it making a lot of noise and odor."
No one in the City Council mentioned the pollution from the many oil rigs dotting the ocean.
This summer the pig ban hit England with an edict against pictures of pigs, since they were considered offensive to Muslims and Malaysia has joined Lesser Britain by blacking out two pigs in the International New York Times.
"This is a Muslim country, so we covered the pigs' eyes," a New York Times worker told the AFP news agency. "We usually do that for the International New York Times - also for pictures of cigarettes, weapons, guns and nude pictures."
I spent a lot of time in Malaysia throughout the 1990s.
The Chinese restaurants in Penang offered lovely pork dishes.
The Muslims kept their distance, but I never saw one eating babi, which is Malay for pig.
It is very haram or forbidden.
The same goes for Seal Beach.
Pigs are out, unless they are human and Orange County has plenty of them and I bet they're good eating for cannibals.
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