Friday, September 29, 2023

Day Five of Forty Days of Rain

In Genesis 7:4 Yahweh said four thousand years ago, "For in seven days I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living thing that I have made I will blot out from the face of the ground.”

In early September the Eastern Seaboard had been torched by a heat wave. Day after day of 90 plus temperatures. I wanted to go to beach, but it was too hot for a stroll across the hot sands. A week ago the weather broke and the temperature dropped into the 70s then the 60s. A tropical storm struck New York dumping rain for three days. As much as 2 inches in a twelve hur period. Today we topped that with a torrential five inches of rain. I had been trapped in a car for any hour waiting for a break. This storm flooded the streets of New York, although not Clinton Hill, althugh on my bock long walk back to 387 I noted that several gutters were overflowing with water and the storm drains were overwhelmed by the deluge.

Still I had to admire that this drainage system was built over a century ago by hard labor from emigrants wanting an honest day's pay for an honest day's work. Like the aquaducts of Eternal Rome their work stand the test of time and climate change ie speicies extinction.

I'm heading down to the street.

I would take a trip to the Rockaways, but the Mayor has warned for the city's citizens to stay home and as much as I want to be free, sometimes it's best not to do anything.

Tomorrow is meant to be sunny.

So this Flood was short by thirty-five days. Maybe Next time.

October 7, 2023

I stand corrected.

Clinton Hill being on a hill was saved from the intense flooding in the lowlying neighborhoods. The sewers magnificiant as they are were not constructed for Global Extinction rains. Instagram featured a VDO of a New Yorker waddling waist-deep to catch a train. What the fuck are you thinking?

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