Saturday, September 30, 2023

Plastic Ocean

Fort Greene Park
Farmers' Market
On a rainy Saturday Morning
After Friday's Noahic rains.

People shopping for the vegetables
Artesian breads and meats

At a stand
A middle-aged progressive
Blissfully packs
Apples into Plastic bags

"Do you where that goes?" I ask.

Stumped by the unexpected question, I answered for him,

"To the sea, but you know that."

His eyes narrowed and brow goes eleven.
He hates me.
He hates my speaking to him.
I don't blame him.
I am a hypocrite.

"I don't want to get my bread wet."
Artesian bread.
"Would you want to eat wet bread?"

"Sure, may I have a hunk?

I like artesian bread.
I walk away
Happy to have upset him
Happy to be a hypocrite.

My fish is in a plastic bag.


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