Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Universe of Genders

The Bugis of South Sulawesi embody a fascinating alternative to a binary gender framework. They recognise five genders; makkunrai, oroané, bissu, calabai, and calalai. and each is considered essential to the maintenance of balance and harmony in Bugis society.

Now our culture identifies seven genders; agender, cisgender, genderfluid, genderqueer, intersex, gender nonconforming, and transgender. I personally wonder how many we will have once we abandon the confines of the male or female paradigms.

Ancient Jewish tradition accepted seven genders.

All called Moishe.

On December 23, 2022 I received a female liver to save my life. Paula is forty-two and we co-exist on the cellular and spiritual level. We feel no need to define 'we'. Of course when I asked the transplant team, if Paula's liver affect my DNA, they sternly answered, "No."

Since their usual answer to any medical question is "We will see." I took this to men that they had no idea. As do I, but I think Cis works well.

Sie gesund.

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