The war in Afghanistan is going badly despite Obama's escalation of troop levels. The enemy hits convoys with IEDs. Their troops battle our occupation forces. The KIAs and WIAs increase to record levels. Rampant corruption makes it difficult for any Afghans to side with the government and civilian casualties from 'friendly' fire' turn neutrals into insurgents. The White House is under siege from senators and representatives souring on the war effort, especially after Wikileaks' release of 'secret' documents.
This avalanche of information highlights the failings of the military and civilian effort in Afghanistan, however Secretary of War Robert Gates has asked the FBI to investigate the leak of over 90,000 documents, such as how to candycoat civilian casualties by misinforming the public about the number of dead as well as their innocence.
The leaks also finger the Pakistani intelligence's influence on the conflict through their financial and military support for the Taliban.
Anyone who read Stephen Coll's GHOST WAR knew the two players in the Great Game were on the same side. GW Bush refused to believe the truth and President Obama is following the stumbling footsteps of his predeccesor toward ruin.
There is only two options left to the US Military.
Withdraw or annihilate the populace.
Of course our soldiers are already firing a billion bullets a year.
50 for every Afghani civilian.
It's a wonder any of them are alive, then again after 30 years of war these tribesmen are tough than a bucket of nails.
Always have been too.
Just ask the British or the Russians.
The White House, the FBI, and Department of War can investigate the leaks, because that's the only way they don't have to look at the truth.
This war is lost.
Mission unaccomplished.
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